Free Mini AKT/MCQ Exam
Are you ready for the AKT/MCQ exam?
Try a free mini mock exam now!
Developed by our experienced team of Medical Educators, our free MCQ mock exam includes the following:
- 20 timed questions
- Immediate results after you finish the exam
- Benchmarking and insight into your exam readiness
What we do
We partner with GP registrars and International Medical Graduates to help them achieve GP Fellowship exam success.
Our extensive knowledge and detailed understanding of the AMC, ACRRM and RACGP exams comes from more than 20 years of delivering high-quality general practice training, including – until 2023 – the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program.
How we help
We don’t just give you the answers. Our range of high-quality exam preparation courses teach you targeted strategies and techniques and provide you with meaningful feedback that’s tailored to you.
The result? You’ll go into your exams knowing more, feeling more confident and with a much greater chance of success!
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