GP Obstetric Shared Care

GP Obstetric Shared Care represents an opportunity to practice collaborative holistic obstetric care by combining the varied skills of Midwife, General Practitioner and Obstetrician to the benefit of the community and mutual understanding between colleagues’.
Women wishing to attend a South Australian public hospital for birthing have the option of GP Obstetric Shared Care if they meet the designated criteria. In this model, the General Practitioner (GP) provides most of the antenatal and postnatal care, while the public hospital staff provides the inpatient, intrapartum and some outpatient maternity care. It upholds the SA Health Strategic Plan 2017 – 2020 themes of Lead, Partner and Deliver through the use of evidence, translating research into practice and involving consumers in its development, ensuring safe and effective care for women planning shared antenatal care.
SA Health has contracted GPEx, which now includes GP Partners Australia following their merger, to oversee the coordination and management of the Statewide GP Obstetric Shared Care Program in SA.
GPEx manages the Statewide GP Obstetric Shared Care Program (GP OSC SA) in liaison with SA Health, within a governance framework and the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program Manager has the oversight for the strategic and operational management of the Program.
GPs accredited to the Statewide GP Obstetric Shared Care Program receive upskilling, education, and training within this framework. It is essential that the GP maintains their accreditation for GP OSC in SA and this has the oversight of GPEx.
Many women like GP Obstetric Shared Care because they are familiar with their GP, their GP knows their medical and past history, and the care is usually closer to home and appointments can be scheduled at a convenient time. If English is a second language, the GP might speak the woman’s first language or use an interpreter and know about their specific cultural needs.
It is a model of hospital avoidance for fit, well and healthy women experiencing a normally progressing pregnancy.
Leanne March is the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program Manager and can be contacted at gposc@gpex.com.au or by mobile: 0418 803 844.