Obstetric Shared Care
Women’s & Children’s Hospital
Information for GPs
- Please use the WCH website for online Triage referrals, clearly marking them SHARED CARE
- For updates in clinical care (e.g. Requests for Iron Infusion or requests for Diabetes Education) Please call GPSC Office on 81617493 or fax directly through on 8161 8189
- For urgent clinical advice, please go via switchboard ((08) 8161 7000) and ask for the 3rd on call Registrar.
Lyell McEwin & Modbury
Booking Process
Process for Booking GP Obstetric Shared Care at NALHN. Woman telephones for her Booking Appointment
- She will receive the link to mobile phone – POPN (Pregnancy online platform NALHN)
- Access the link up to “will you be seeing your GP for your Pregnancy Care” GP OSC Model of Care explained in the link
- If answers yes – do not go any further into the link. The woman will be sent an appointment date with the GP Obstetric Shared Care Midwife. This appointment will occur at approximately 12-14 weeks gestation and the appointment will be for approximately 1.5 hours
- GP Obstetric Shared Care Midwife will complete the 1st triage/booking as normal
Flinders Medical Centre
Midwife Coordinator

Midwifery Unit Manager
Midwife Coordinator – Obstetric Shared Care
Ambulatory Women’s Health Services
As part of the state-wide response to the global COVID-19 Pandemic, Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) is the dedicated hospital to provide care to COVID-19 positive maternity patients across the state.