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Tips to assist change in General Practice

“THE ONLY CONSTANT IN LIFE IS CHANGE “ Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher. As the season changes to the chill of winter, it brings with it other changes; a new semester with new topics to study, new professors to get used to, and for many a change in placement positions and so new faces including Practices […]

Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter | Autumn

Recommendation for all Women to be Offered Pre-Pregnancy Genetic Screening By Dr Annie Lin – GP Advisor, SA Obstetric Shared Care Program At the recent Obstetric Shared Care Accreditation Seminar Associate Professor Chris Barnett talked to our GPs about pre-pregnancy genetic screening and Dr Annie Lin has shared a summary of his presentation for you […]

Welcoming new team members – managing change in practice

Every 6 months or so, our training partners go through change with new GP registrars coming into the team and others departing. We spoke with a couple of our Practice Managers about how they support their teams during this time, Kate and Michelle share their thoughts with us; Kate Foster, Practice Manager, Kingcraig Medical Clinic, Naracoorte […]

Developing an evidence-based, practical and contextualised Workplace Based Assessment Framework

In late 2018, GPEx was awarded a special Education Research Grant by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) to design a Workplace-based Assessment (WBA) Framework for use within Australian General Practice Training (AGPT). This Framework was completed in collaboration with, Flinders University, EVGPT, GP Synergy, GPTQ, GPTT, MCCC, NTGPE, RVTS and WAGPET. To inform Framework development the following project streams were completed: The […]