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CCE preparation: Managing uncertainty in general practice

Traditional medical training emphasises a quest for certainty over uncertainty. So, rather than managing the difficult latter, we strive for the former through a process of elimination.  However, certainty isn’t always possible in clinical practice and learning to acknowledge and manage uncertainty as a registrar can help you develop an important key clinical skill. It […]

Are You Getting the Most Out of Your CPD studies? 

There are many reasons why doctors and other health professionals may complete professional development training activities. This can include because they are required to do so by their professional body, due to an interest or a love of learning, or due to a need to maintain skills and competence, and not become stagnant or behind […]

CPD Blog 2 Are You Getting the Most Out of Your CPD studies Feature Image

Seven compelling health benefits of getting your patients back to work

As a GP, you are in a unique position of being able to improve the health of your patients who have been injured by encouraging them to return to work as soon as they are able. The evidence is irrefutable that the health benefits of work far outweigh any risks, and by supporting your patients […]

Why feedback can super-charge your CCE exam preparation

Constructive feedback is an important exam preparation tool for improving your Clinical Competency Exam (CCE) performance. Learn why, plus how to ensure you’re getting the right kind of feedback to make a difference. You are currently preparing to sit the RACGP Clinical Competency Exam (CCE). You are studying consistently and putting a lot of hours […]