Why Starting Early Matters: Exam Prep for RACGP or ACRRM Fellowship Exams
It can be difficult to sit down and start studying, especially as most doctors already have a busy schedule. Fitting in study can feel like aiming for the impossible! So, it’s understandable that starting your exam preparation earlier than you may have planned seems unreasonable – many of you will be thinking why? Here is […]
Not everyone’s work-life balance looks the same and that’s ok!
When you hear the words ‘work-life balance’ you probably imagine finishing work at lunchtime, spending quality time with friends and family, squeezing in a productive gym session all before dinner with the family at 7pm. Whilst this may be possible for some, it isn’t always achievable. The meaning of work-life balance is different for everyone. […]
The CBT-i Approach for Insomnia Management
Clinical outcomes support the benefits of CBT-i, including shortened time to fall asleep, fewer disruptions during the night, improved sleep quality, and a resultant boost in daytime functionality. So what is CBT-i and how can it be used in primary care for insomnia management? As general practitioners and primary healthcare teams are well aware, insomnia […]
Legislative Update: Essential Insights for GPs on the Latest Cosmetic Regulations
In the past six months, general practitioners and the wider medical community have witnessed a landmark shift in the cosmetic surgery landscape in Australia. With the introduction of significant reforms that came into play on 1 July 2023, the industry has seen a surge in quality standards and a revamped approach to patient care. These […]
GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter | Wrapping Up 2023 | December 2023
Your GP Obstetric Shared Care Team are big believers in the power of staying in the loop! Your ongoing dedication and active participation in the program play a pivotal role in making it a success! We are thrilled to bring you the latest developments and pertinent updates in our Obstetric Shared Care Program, delivered promptly […]
Smart note taking for your exams
Most of us are visual learners and this means an efficient note-taking strategy is an invaluable contribution to success in your Fellowship exams. The breadth and depth of content you’ll need to master in preparation for your exams requires that you find an effective method to encode and recall this information. Being a capable and […]