Update from the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network
A letter from Dr Anupam Parange
Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Women’s and Children’s Division
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GP,
NALHN Obstetric and Midwifery team have reviewed our work practices in line with recommendations from RANZCOG re Coronavirus. I therefore to advise you of the following changes that will be required for the Obstetric GP Share Care partnership;
GP Triage visit: South Australian Pregnancy Record (SAPR) to be completed by the GP at the 1st visit with the woman. A copy of the SAPR to be faxed to 8282 1612 Attention: GP Share Care Midwife.
The woman is still required to make a booking visit at the participating hospital before 20 weeks gestation as per the Obstetric GP share care protocol.
Booking visit with the partnership hospital: Lyell McEwin Hospital or Modbury – an initial phone call to the woman will identify if a booking visit can occur as a phone consultation or a face to face appointment.
A phone consultation will occur for the booking visit at the participating hospital, if no medical risk factors are identified. The woman will be informed of her appointment time, phone consultation will occur. If risk factors are identified the woman may need to have a face to face appointment.
LOW RISK: The woman will have all pregnancy care with the GP until 36 weeks when she will attend the birthing hospital.
RISK FACTORS: The woman may be required to attend the hospital for a medical review. This will be discussed with a registrar or consultant during the booking visit by the midwife.
Communication: The GP will receive a clinical summary for any woman participating in the GP Share Care arrangement. The plan of care will be clearly documented in the clinical summary and all relevant appointments booked at the hospital. If you do not receive a clinical summary after referring the woman to her booking visit, please contact the GP Share Care Midwife on ph: 0417 840 062.
During the pregnancy, GP’s are encouraged to call the on call registrar for clinical advice on ph: 8182 9000. Switchboard will page the on call registrar for the GP to discuss their clinical concerns and a plan of care will be devised.
We look forward to continued collaboration, working in partnership with you through the Obstetric GP Shared Care Program.
Thank you for your understanding during this challenging period.

Dr Anupam Parange
Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Women and Children’s Division
If you have any questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to contact the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program Manager
Leanne at lmarch@gppaustralia.org.au
(T): 08 8112 1100
Leanne and her team, Naomi, Dr Jenni Goold, Dr Michelle Emmerson and the
GP OSC Midwife Coordinators, Siobhan (NALHN), Janie and Judy (WCH)
and Lisa (FMC) are here to assist you.