Smart note taking for your exams
Most of us are visual learners and this means an efficient note-taking strategy is an invaluable contribution to success in your Fellowship exams. The breadth and depth of content you’ll need to master in preparation for your exams requires that you find an effective method to encode and recall this information. Being a capable and […]

Obstetric Shared Care Program Grows to 810 GPs
In 2023, The GP Obstetric Shared Care Program celebrates a year of notable achievements, underscoring advancements in antenatal care for low-risk pregnancies statewide in South Australia. By achieving key performance indicators, the program has not only elevated primary care in public maternity hospitals but also effectively alleviated the burden on outpatient services. Central to this […]

Navigating to Success: The Impact of Our GP Exam Prep Courses
Our GP Fellowship exam preparation courses continue to make significant strides, with increasing adoption amongst GP registrars. These courses, rooted in targeted strategies and enriched with experienced Australian medical educators’ wisdom, have been pivotal in shaping registrars’ successful journeys toward their Fellowship examinations. For over twenty years, our commitment to high-quality, individualised education has laid a […]

How to pass your GP Fellowship multiple choice exam (AKT or MCQ)
Are multiple choice tests easy? With no writing involved and the correct answer being written on the page in front of you some people might think so. But even multiple choice tests can prove challenging without proper preparation. So, as you study for your exam, you may want to consider the following. Multiple choice questions […]

GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter | Staying in The Loop! | November 2023
‘Genetic Screening, NIPT, FTS and there is more!’ GP Obstetric Shared Care CPD Activity GP Partners Australia is proud to present another of our CPD Activities on the GP Obstetric Shared Care Calendar for 2023. Don’t miss out, the program is designed to inspire with our keynote speakers, invigorate your practice with cutting edge presentations, inform you about […]

GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter | It’s All About Genetic Screening | November 2023
Latest Updates Just for You! Hello! We’re thrilled to usher in a new edition of our GP Obstetric Shared Care newsletter – your exclusive gateway to all things pregnancy and shared care. Get ready to embark on a journey of insights, updates, and shared experiences that make our shared care family truly extraordinary. So, grab […]

What to do the night before your fellowship exams
It is important to understand that while you may focus on the night before the exam, or exam-day preparation, the overall exam experience is multi-faceted. There are three equally important supplementary “phases” surrounding the exam itself: the learning phase, the preparation phase, and the post-result phase (Raffety et al., 1997). So, while the focus is […]

GP Obstetric Shared Care | Springtime Antenatal Insights For You | October 2023
Latest Spring Updates! Hello! As we are nearing the end of October, and many of us continue to try to find the lost hour of daylight savings, we are pleased to welcome you to a Spring Edition of our Obstetric Shared Care newsletter. We anticipate that the GP Obstetric Shared Care Policy and PPG will be endorsed […]

CCE preparation: Managing uncertainty in general practice
Traditional medical training emphasises a quest for certainty over uncertainty. So, rather than managing the difficult latter, we strive for the former through a process of elimination. However, certainty isn’t always possible in clinical practice and learning to acknowledge and manage uncertainty as a registrar can help you develop an important key clinical skill. It […]

Why feedback can super-charge your CCE exam preparation
Constructive feedback is an important exam preparation tool for improving your Clinical Competency Exam (CCE) performance. Learn why, plus how to ensure you’re getting the right kind of feedback to make a difference. You are currently preparing to sit the RACGP Clinical Competency Exam (CCE). You are studying consistently and putting a lot of hours […]