Covid-19 Update to Obstetric Shared Care GPs

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs
Good to get to Friday!
I am sure that many will be thinking this. It has been another long week, and I and all at GP Partners Australia hope that you are all holding up ok. We do feel the uncertainty and anxiety with you, and we hope you are managing to look after yourselves and your family as well as looking after your antenatal patients and your Practices.
I’ll keep this update short out of respect for your bulging inbox.
I have added a short video produced by the Women’s and Children’s Hospital for your information and your patients.
Thank you all for the work that you are doing, for being part of our GP Obstetric Shared Care Program and for providing continuity of care to your antenatal patients. The efforts of so many in the last few weeks has been nothing short of extraordinary.
Stay safe.
If you have any questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to contact the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program Manager – Leanne at
Leanne, Naomi, our GP Advisors and our
Midwife Coordinators are here to help you.