End of Year Greetings….

Well, that’s another year done and dusted. Although we didn’t have last year’s horrible fires to contend with, COVID’s ramifications have been felt by us all, including our pregnant women. It has been another unpredictable and challenging year, thanks to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, both here in South Australia and globally.
2021 has challenged us all to stay close as we keep our distance, to communicate with our eyes as we mask our breath, and to follow the experts as they build new evidence in uncertain times.
As South Australia’s health care sector has again faced unprecedented challenges this year, GP Partners Australia has recognised and responded very quickly to mitigate these challenges to our GPs and particularly women participating in the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program.
Our team has rallied together and has continued to deliver specialist GP training and quality evidence-based education throughout. We have learnt to be flexible and to go with the flow.
We have seen an increase in the number of GPs participating in the Statewide GP Obstetric Shared Care Program and we have delivered an increase in satisfaction with our training, resources and support provided by GP Partners Australia to our GPs and Midwife Coordinators.
Furthermore, we have seen a significant improvement in regard to GP satisfaction attending our face-to-face accredited CPD activities and with the health and well-being support we also provide to our GPs. Women and families have also shown increased satisfaction with the level of care and expertise in management of their antenatal journey.
Despite our successes and working hard to stay true to our objectives for the Program, COVID-19 has brought significant changes to the way we work and live. It has also been a potent reminder of how much there is to be thankful for and our team has remained entirely committed.
GP Partners Australia is committed to building upon its strong foundations and achievements, strengthening its valued partnerships and future-proofing its services to the community, including providing strong advocacy, training, education and support for GPs and importantly for women participating in the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program, for years to come.
As 2021 draws to an end the GP Partners team would simply like to thank everyone whether on the frontline or behind the scenes and in particular all our GPs participating in our Shared Care Programs, our valuable GP Advisors, in particular Jenni Goold and our indispensable Midwife Coordinators.
2022 brings an air of excitement as we look to a promising and collaborative year to work together to support our Obstetric Shared Care GPs, our GP Shared Care Programs and our primary healthcare community in dynamic and novel ways. We are looking forward to continuing our work with as many of you as possible as well as venturing into new arenas.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
See below for recent information related to the management of COVID-19
Assessing and Managing the Risk: COVID exposures in primary and community health care settings
Management of COVID-19 in Pregnancy in South Australia
Next year will bring about some operational changes and hopefully improvements streamlining our service here at the Women’s and Children’s.
To allow this to happen, we are moving away from providing the additional GP support that we have been able to provide in the past, including reminding women to have tests, checking results and educating them following bloods and ultrasounds. This role will be solely the GPs responsibility once more.
Obviously, the GP Shared Care team here are happy to provide general advice, however, second opinions regarding abnormal findings and plans of care should be provided by the 3rd on call Registrar here at WCH.
Turnaround times for bookings have improved through this year, but we still ask GPs to refer their women to us well in advance of their 20-week cut off.
The WCH GP Shared Care Team
would like to wish all the GPs and GP Partners Team a
‘Happy and Healthy’ Festive period and 2022!
COVID-19 Testing Recommendation: Pregnant Women
37+ weeks Gestation
As part of the state-wide response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, a number of preventative measures are in place to keep pregnant women, their baby and those around them safe when accessing healthcare services in South Australia.
All pregnant women who are 37 weeks’ gestation and over and awaiting labour and subsequent admission to hospital to birth, are recommended to undergo weekly COVID-19 testing at an SA Health testing clinic.
It is also recommended that their birthing partner/support person should undergo weekly COVID-19 testing also.
If a planned caesarean section or induction of labor is booked, both the woman and their support person will need to have a test 72 hours before admission.
COVID-19 pre-screening for maternity patients
Pregnant Women – COVID-19 Maternity Care at
Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Pregnant Women – COVID-19 Maternity Care at
Flinders Medical Centre
For information, please see:
- FMC COVID-19 Maternity Care fact sheet (PDF 357KB)
- Birthing while COVID-19 positive fact sheet (PDF 264KB)
- Pregnant women at FMC fact sheet (PDF 117KB)
Syphilis Is Still Out There!
What SA Clinicians Need to Know
In response to rising cases, a South Australian public health alert was issued in November 2021. The health alert recommends an increase in testing among all population groups.