Introducing the New GP ADHD Shared care Program

‘What is it all about?’
It is brand new and we are excited!
The Shared Care model seeks to bring together the knowledge and experience of tertiary specialist clinicians, and general practitioners on the understanding that improving the quality of help requires recognition of multiple perspectives, and that inclusivity is critical.
Continued cross collaboration will occur with Specialist Paediatricians and Psychiatrists. This will not only be paramount but will also assist in skill- building for non-mental health specialist clinicians around the management of ADHD and ensure an integrated care approach by working together with the individual and families, the GP, and any other support services or support persons involved in care.
There is no more effective environment for discussions than the in-person exchange of information and there will be ample opportunity for you to ask questions.
Accreditation with the RACGP/ACRRM CPD for the 2023-25 triennium is currently pending.
Wednesday 21st June 2023
The Healthy Living Precinct, Welland
6.15pm – 9.15pm
Join us for informative and an enlightening discussion with canapés, light refreshments, and drinks provided.
Free Parking