Obstetric Shared Care Program Grows to 810 GPs

In 2023, The GP Obstetric Shared Care Program celebrates a year of notable achievements, underscoring advancements in antenatal care for low-risk pregnancies statewide in South Australia. By achieving key performance indicators, the program has not only elevated primary care in public maternity hospitals but also effectively alleviated the burden on outpatient services.
Central to this success is the substantial growth in the number of participating GPs, with 802 successfully accredited and an additional 22 provisionally accredited to the program. This expansion fortifies the shared care model, ensuring continuity of care while efficiently managing outpatient hospital demands.
Education remains a paramount focus, 810 GPs were engaged in continuous professional development activities throughout the year, which is a significant achievement. A standout session in Mt Gambier drew participation from 42 GPs and midwives, highlighting the program’s commitment to preparing GP providers for service statewide in South Australian communities.
The program’s accomplishments are further amplified through robust partnerships with public hospitals, and the dedicated efforts of Obstetric Shared Care Midwife Coordinators and GP Advisors, who uphold the program’s integrity and effectiveness.
As we look forward our aim is to introduce new online antenatal care modules in 2024, streamlining the accreditation process and expanding CPD opportunities for GPs, thereby enhancing antenatal care services.
In heartfelt gratitude to the GPs, as well as the women and families who choose this model of care, GPEx extends sincere thanks. We eagerly anticipate the future, poised for continued collaboration and achievements in the realm of community healthcare.
For inquiries regarding the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program, please feel free to reach out to the Program Manager, Leanne March.