GP Obstetric Shared Care | Springtime Antenatal Insights For You | October 2023

Latest Spring Updates!
As we are nearing the end of October, and many of us continue to try to find the lost hour of daylight savings, we are pleased to welcome you to a Spring Edition of our Obstetric Shared Care newsletter.
We anticipate that the GP Obstetric Shared Care Policy and PPG will be endorsed this month and will be sent to you late November 2023.
We are very excited that our final Accreditation Seminar for 2023 is less than three weeks away. Soon, some of Adelaide’s eminent presenters in the world of Obstetrics will come to the Adelaide Pavilion, sharing with us state-of-the-art updates for our Obstetric Shared Care GPs. Opportunities are slipping away, so don’t delay – register now while there are still spots available.
Then on Wednesday 15th November we will be in Mt Gambier and hosting a CPD Activity, ‘Sharing Antenatal Care at The Barn’. We have planned captivating presentations by three speakers travelling from Adelaide to enlighten us. If you’re in the vicinity, remember to secure your spot by clicking the link below.
On Saturday 16th September at Sunnybrae Estate Function Centre we held our Clinical Refresher. A whole day with an impressive 92 GPs attending. Presentations from the day are available on our website.
Get ready for some exciting audio content, as we’re in the process of recording a brand-new podcast episode that will soon be making its way to our website for you to enjoy.
We are in a great position right now with over 610 GPs attending our CPD activities this year. Thank you and well done! With only a little over 2 months remaining in 2023, please contact me to ensure that all your activity attendance has been uploaded to your dashboard.
As usual, our newsletters aim to keep you informed about the most recent developments, noteworthy updates, special announcements, and engaging discussions pertaining to all things obstetric!
From my team and myself, keep happy and healthy!
With warmest wishes,
Education Brochure
SA Preterm Birth Prevention Project
7 Strategies to safely reduce Preterm and Early Term Birth
The rate of preterm birth (20 – 36+6 weeks gestation) in Australia has remained steady at around 8.3% over the past decade.
Preterm birth (PTB) is one of the leading causes of infant morbidity and mortality. The rate of early term birth (37 – 38+6 weeks gestation) has increased by 6% in Australia over the last decade. Early term birth is associated with increased risk of neurodevelopment delay. Both PTB and early term birth is associated with increased length of hospital stay, and ongoing healthcare and education costs.
The current state of preterm and early term birth in Australia led to the launch of a PTB prevention program in WA, known as the Whole Nine Months. Through implementation of PTB prevention project strategies, preterm and early term birth rates were reduced in participating sites. In 2021, the Australian Preterm Birth Prevention Alliance (APBPA) submitted a project proposal to the Australian Government Department of Health seeking funding to support the implementation of the WA PTB prevention program nationally. Approximately $13 million was allocated nationally to support the implementation of the program over a 3-year period, now known as Every Week Counts. South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) has coordinated SA’s involvement in implementation of the program, including contractual arrangements with the Women and Infant Research Foundation (WIRF).
Critical Care
The increasing number of women who come into pregnancy with complex medical conditions, plus the all-too-familiar life-threatening complications of pregnancy means our critical care colleagues are essential to providing high quality care. Critical care has transformed rates of survival in sepsis, major haemorrhage, multi organ failure and severe preeclampsia. We are not all intensivists, but we all need to recognise the patient who needs resuscitation and critical care. And for women admitted to ICU when still pregnant, how do we weigh up the risks and benefits of premature delivery in the maternal interest?
With increasing technical skill, and the advanced imaging capability of modern ultrasound systems, many women will be told there are ‘soft’ cardiac findings at the mid-trimester scan: Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery, Small Ventricular Septal Defects, echogenic cardiac focus etc. Who needs a formal fetal echo? Who needs genetic counselling? Who needs an amnio?
This will be your ‘go to’ guide on how to untangle what’s a big deal, and what’s just not.
Whether managing low risk women, or you are involved in the care of high-risk pregnancies or newborns, we’ve got you covered!
The password to access the recordings is Twilight
Join us for an in-person, exciting public lecture by the 2023 Northern Community Health and Research Foundation (NCHRF) Visiting Professor.
Emeritus Professor Ian Macdonald is an exceptional, internationally recognised researcher with expertise in the inter-related fields of obesity, diabetes, and nutrition. Previously Professor of Metabolic Physiology at the University of Nottingham, UK, and held position as Director of Research and Head of the School of Life Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the same University.
Do not miss this rare opportunity to hear from one of the leading authorities in the field of diet, lifestyle, and health as he shares his insights and findings on the impacts and lifestyle choices on our overall well-being.
Omega-3 Test-and-Treat Program