GP Shared Care Obstetric | ‘Natal Notes #3’ | April 2023

Sharing Important Updates With You!
We hope that you are well and relishing the final bursts of fading sunny autumn weather. As daylight savings ends, the nights lengthen, our skies darken and colder weather maliciously seeps into our busy lives, we trust that you will draw comfort from one lovely thought – that our regular newsletters will land in your inbox and warm your heart!
We are excited to bring you the latest updates and developments in Obstetric Shared Care through our newsletter. Our goal is to provide you with valuable information and insights that will enhance your knowledge and improve your practice in caring for pregnant women.
We are thrilled to announce two upcoming Accreditation Seminars that we believe will be of great benefit to you and your practice. The first this coming Saturday 22nd April and repeated on the 13th May 2023.
Both seminars promise to be exciting, informative, and engaging. We encourage you to register early to secure your spot, as spaces are limited. We look forward to seeing you there and sharing our knowledge and experience with you.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to your professional development.
Our team has curated the content of this edition with the aim of providing you with practical information that you can use to provide the best care possible to your patients.
We hope that you find this newsletter informative and engaging, and that it helps you stay up-to-date with the latest developments in pregnancy care.
From my team, our Board of Directors and myself, keep happy and healthy!
With warmest wishes,
Program Manager.
GP Obstetric Shared Care
Accreditation Seminar #2

Saturday 13th May 2023
8.30am – 4.15pm
Adelaide Pavilion, Cnr Peacock Road & South Terrace, Adelaide SA
As we strive to improve care and outcomes for women and their babies we aim to take you on a journey of innovative perinatal research and care. We promise there will be something for everyone.
- Build your knowledge and skills
- Confidently provide antenatal care
- Implement quality improvements
- Add to your OSC Program required CPD hours to maintain your accreditation
- Accreditation with the RACGP and ACRRM CPD hours for the 2023-25 triennium
SA Pregnancy Hand Held Record
Version 15 of the Pregnancy Hand Held Record is now available.
Other versions are now not to be used.
The SAPR will be available to order via usual processes.
SA Perinatal Guidelines

Revision of the GP Obstetric Shared Care Protocols | April 2020 will shortly be underway, as the document no longer fits with the SA Health Policy structure and the PPGs should be used by GPs. Content of the Protocols and/or PPG moving forward will have a greater emphasis on referral pathways.
News from the WCH Midwives
Updates from the Midwife Coordinators at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital are of significant importance to GPs and their Obstetric Shared Care Women. These updates can provide valuable information on the latest developments applicable to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
All accredited OSC GPs who send in written referrals, acknowledging that their pregnant woman is interested in the GP Share Care Model, will be triaged to the GP Shared Care booking service.
If the woman goes on to change her mind about which model she wishes (this may follow further discussion with the booking midwife) then that is her choice.
Women who do not mention an interest in GP Shared Care at the time of booking, using the phone line, will automatically be triaged to Women’s Outpatients and they can make their choice then. Unfortunately for non- Medicare clients this results in an additional cost for them.
For further information about choices of antenatal care, please refer to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital website and type ‘options of care’ where this is explained in greater detail.
Iron Infusion in Pregnancy

IV iron should not be administered to pregnant women outside a hospital setting unless there is capacity for full resuscitation in the event of anaphylaxis, and staff trained in the management of obstetric patients. This includes adrenaline, oxygen, airway adjuncts and AED.
Facilities and staff trained in management of anaphylaxis should be available.
See also ‘Anaphylaxis (maternal)’ Perinatal Practice Guideline.
Adelaide Mums & Babies Clinic

GPs with a passion for postnatal feeding, settling and sleeping support.
We are able to provide short term assistance for families requiring extra support postnatally before referral back to usual GP for ongoing care.
All GPs are NDC (Neurodevelopmental Care of the Infant) accredited via Possums & Co.
2 GPs that are International Board Certified Lactation Consultants.
Tongue tie assessments with Frenotomy if required.
Antenatal Classes – Breastfeeding and “Bringing Baby Home”.
Postnatal Parent Support Groups facilitated by NDC Educator.
Facebook: Adelaide Mums and Babies Clinic
Suite 3/146 Fullarton Road, ROSE PARK (corner Watson Avenue)
PANDA Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia
PANDA has a range of online resources and courses for Health Professionals:
- New health professional tip sheets
- Self-paced, free online courses
- Downloadable printed brochures and flyers
- Secondary Consultation service for Health Care Providers
- Guides to creating a Mental Health Safe Plan
Twilight Seminar Series
Please see below the link to the recent Twilight session “Predicting and Preventing @ Twilight” held on Wednesday 12th April 2023 by Mercy Perinatal. We hope you enjoy it!
In medicine generally – and pregnancy particularly – it is so much better to build a fence at the top of the cliff, than park an ambulance at the bottom of it. This is what they will be focusing on: what can we do in pregnancy care to prevent the major complications of pregnancy and newborn life? And they have a stellar line up of speakers to light the way…
1. ‘Cervical length measurement: its role in prediction and prevention of preterm birth’
The Preterm Birth Collaborative has certainly opened our eyes to the value of universal cervical length screening, but what’s short? And what do we do about it in high and low risk pregnancies?
Dr Alison Fung is an MFM Specialist who heads up the Mercy Perinatal Preterm Birth Prevention Clinic. It will all become clear!
2. ‘What aspirin can and can’t do’
There has been a palpable ‘bracket creep’ around the indications for aspirin in pregnancy. Preterm preeclampsia risk (great idea!), term preeclampsia risk (maybe not?), previous FGR (where’s the evidence??)- and ‘there’s no harm- aspirin for all’ (yikes!).
Prof Stephen Tong is a dual trained clinician scientist and internationally renowned FGR and preeclampsia researcher. He will walk us through the evidence on exactly what aspirin can – and cannot – do.
3. Finally, to round out the presentations: ‘Future Directions in Newborn Screening: what a heel prick can tell you’
Newborn screening has been with us for decades, but the ‘what’s possible’ with newborn screening is rapidly changing. What health information can- and should- newborns and their families get from a heelprick?
Dr Lil Downieis a Clinical Geneticist based at the Victorian Clinical Genetics Service and is expert in the today – and tomorrow – of newborn screening.
The recording has been broken up into “chapters”, so you can easily click on the session you want to watch along the bottom of the video.
The password to access the recording is Twilight