GP Shared Care Obstetric | Important Updates For You #2 | February 2023

Important Updates for You!
SA Pregnancy Hand Held Record
Version 15 of the Pregnancy Hand Held Record is now available.
Other versions are now not to be used.

AMENDMENT: Space to Record Rubella Titre Result in SAPR
In the recent update of the South Australian Pregnancy Record (SAPR version 15), the space to record the result of the rubella titre in the first visit investigations section (page 6) was inadvertently removed.
We therefore recommend that the result of the rubella titre is recorded under “Other” on page 6. Rubella titre is still included in the list as part of the Antenatal schedule and investigations section (page 5).

It will be reinstated in the next version of the SAPR.
The SAPR will be available to order via usual processes.
Australian Reproduction Update 2023
- Park Hyatt Melbourne Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th August 2023
- Our fun conference dinner to be held Monday 7th of August 2023