GPEx applauds the Marshall Government Rural Health Workforce Strategy for South Australia

South Australian general practice training organisation, GPEx, applauds the announcement from the Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Stephen Wade, that the Rural Health Workforce Strategy will immediately deliver $2 million to better support rural health professionals and the health needs of regional and remote communities in our state.
GPEx Chief Executive Officer, Christine Cook, endorses the Rural Health Workforce, a plan which will attract more health professionals to the regions through front line initiatives and deliver direct support to clinicians through an expanded digital health network to better support the wellbeing of rural and remote communities into the future.
“The empowerment of country clinicians and the attraction of more health professionals to regional areas, will go a long way to provide critical services to those who need it most.”
“GPEx is committed to delivering excellence in medicine and general practice, to ensure a strong and well supported rural health workforce. We look forward to working in collaboration with CHSA, and key stakeholders in delivering and supporting the advanced skills training for health workers and progressing the rural generalist pathway in SA”.
The Rural Health Workforce Strategy, in particular the establishment of the rural generalist pathway is an important step towards strengthening the rural GP training pipeline and addressing the rural health workforce shortages in South Australia.
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