Happy Easter 2022….

We have just held our first GP Obstetric Shared Care Accreditation Seminar for this year and we were pleased that so many of you attended at the Adelaide Pavilion. We are now thrilled to announce that the second of our Accreditation Seminars will take place on Saturday 7th May in the beautiful Adelaide Hills, at the Adelaide Hills Convention Centre in Hahndorf. Again we have an incredible program with a line-up of amazing speakers who will be sharing their insights and wisdom on everything we do.
We hope that in your own unique way, you all enjoy your Easter traditions, your culture, and particularly your time with family and friends.
Oh and of course, you indulge in your favourite chocolate!
Welcome to 1-2-3-4 Thursday where we promise to bring you no more than four pieces of highly valuable interesting information, just for you. Please enjoy!
As always, our newsletters aim to keep you informed on the latest news, changes, updates, special announcements and more.
From my team, our Board of Directors and myself, may you and yours have a Happy Easter.
Image: Mona Museum, Tasmania – ‘Giving Birth – Fabric Design – Photo taken by Jenni Goold
I have included the link to this document below, responding to many of your requests and emails.
Final Version – Management of COVID-19 in Pregnancy in South Australia
Covid 19 Vaccination
The Australian Government Department of Health has released the latest COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Primary Care Provider Bulletin.
Here for you: CLICK HERE
POPPIE Study Patient Consent to Contact Form
GPs are working together with the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) to inform women about the PoppiE Trial.
The PoppiE trial is designed to determine the optimal level of iodine supplementation for pregnant women who already have an adequate iodine intake from the food that they eat.
To further assist those of our GPs who are providing amazing support to this study we have designed a consent form for you to give to your patients.
They will be invited to provide their contact details and give consent for a staff member from SAHMRI Women and Kids to contact them to discuss this research study further.
Once completed please send to lmarch@gppaustralia.org.au
Thank You
It seems everyone I talk to wants me to express our sincere appreciation for our inspiring Presenters last week.
Dr Anthia Rallis, Dr Kate Walsh, Dr Elsa Jureidini, Sarah Clark, Dr Liz Beare and Catrina Panuccio.
You are always welcome at our GP Obstetric Shared Care Seminars!