Meet Dr Kim Omond

When Dr Kim Omond finished medical school, she wanted to be an emergency physician due to the variety of practice.
“However, after working in critical care settings in many different hospitals, I realised that shift work and the lifestyle a career in critical care demands wasn’t for me.
“The great thing about General Practice is that it still provides me with the variety of medicine that I enjoy, but allows me to have more autonomy over my work and life in general.”
One of the misconceptions about General Practice is that it’s a cop out or easier than working in the hospital system, but Kim says this is simply not true.
“GP brings its own set of unique challenges that aren’t to be underestimated. It’s a different ball game to hospital medicine, and there’s more to it than you realise when you’re working in the hospital setting.”
In fact, the difference between hospital medicine and GP has been a breath of fresh air for Kim, who enjoys the variety and challenges of working as a GP.
Kim is training on the general pathway, but hopes to dabble in rural and regional health along the way. She is currently undertaking a placement at Goolwa Medical Centre.
“I’m new to the GP community journey, but I have really loved starting at my new practice. It has been so welcoming with lovely reception, nursing and medical staff who always have time for my endless questions!”
With a special interest in paediatrics, palliative care, and medical education, Kim envisages her long-term career to include both teaching and clinical components.
“This is one of the best things about General Practice – you can build your career to be whatever you want it to be!”