Meet Dr Michael MacPherson

Born in a small Canadian city, Dr Michael Macpherson spent many days on his extended family’s rural farms growing up, and also experienced remote living as an adult when he worked in rural Canada.
Michael had always planned to study medicine, but put his dreams of becoming a doctor on hold for a number of reasons. Michael believes that his diverse life experience, which includes previous jobs as a police officer, carpenter and chef, has made him a better doctor.
“It was always the plan to become a doctor – and I always had an interest in working rurally – but life just happened. I travelled, I met my lovely Australian wife, and began working while we both lived in Canada to support us while she studied. If I had to do it all again, I would do the same.”
As a doctor, Michael enjoyed the broader scope of practice of rural medicine, so decided to follow the rural doctor pathway.
“When you’re working in the country, you have to be a lot more capable and versed in different skills that you wouldn’t ordinarily practice in a metropolitan setting. I love the challenge and broader scope of experience that rural medicine offers.”
To pursue rural GP training, Michael’s family relocated from Perth to South Australia earlier this year.
“We chose South Australia because you can work in a rural setting without being too far from the city.”
“There is good access to schools in regional SA too, which was really important to us.”
The mid-north Jamestown community has warmly welcomed the MacPherson family, who have quickly settled into their new town.
“The community has been fantastic since we arrived, and everyone has been very accommodating. Country life is simpler; it’s not as busy as the city, and there is no rat race.”
Dr Michael MacPherson is on the pathway to a Fellowship with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
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