NIPT Mackenzie’s Mission

Updated Advice for the Care of Pregnant Women
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs,
Welcome back to another GP Obstetric Shared Care update. March celebrates International Women’s Day and the message for 2021 proclaims that ‘a challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change’. We can all choose to challenge! Celebrate women’s achievements. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.
Integrating non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) into general practice: Value to the patient, limitations, and counselling considerations
Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is the most accurate screening option for common foetal aneuploidies. NIPT analyses the cell-free DNA in a pregnant woman’s blood to screen for potential chromosomal anomalies during pregnancy.
GPs are often the first touchpoint for patients who are newly pregnant. To maximize a patient’s options for prenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies, GPs should be able to introduce and offer NIPT and arrange appropriate follow up of results.
Presented by local healthcare professionals, this webinar series will provide insights and expertise on successfully implementing NIPT into clinical practice.
Presentations will include the current state of prenatal screening options in Australia, review the latest RANZCOG/HGSA prenatal screening guidelines, identify helpful resources, address patient counselling considerations, and present interesting case studies.
- Webinar 1
- General overview of NIPT and screening guidelines
- Tuesday 16 March 2021
- 7.00–8.00 pm AEDT
- Webinar 2
- Test methods and limitations
- Tuesday 30 March 2021
- 7.00–8.00pm AEDT
- Webinar 3
- NIPT counselling considerations
- Wednesday 14 April 2021
- 7.00–8.00pm AEST
Click Here
If you advise me of your attendance at one or more of these webinars,
this will attract 2 GPPA CPD Points towards your
GP OSC Accreditation
for the
2020 – 2022 triennium.
Mackenzie’s Mission Reproductive Genetic Carrier Screening
Mackenzie’s Mission is a federally funded research study aiming to provide reproductive genetic carrier screening for around 750 serious inherited genetic conditions to 10,000 couples across Australia. The screening will give prospective parents information about their likelihood of having a child with a severe genetic condition that could have a significant impact on lifespan and/or quality of life, and provide information about reproductive options and support where needed. The study also aims to investigate the best way to deliver a national reproductive genetic carrier screening program that is accessible to all couples in Australia.
Eligible couples may be invited to take part in the study via selected health care practitioners from a number of geographic regions and specialist areas across the state, to promote a broad participant enrolment base.
We are excited to announce that the study is now underway in South Australia. The study accepts enrolment of couples who are planning a pregnancy or up to 8+6 weeks pregnant. Results are returned within approximately 4 weeks.
Mackenzie’s Mission has been designed to minimise the impact on workload for recruiting healthcare practitioners. The role of a recruiting GP is to identify potential study participants, introduce the concept of reproductive genetic carrier screening and invite couples to participate in the study. Interested couples then undertake pre-test counselling (including education about reproductive carrier screening and the research study), and complete consent forms via an online portal in their own time. Couples requiring assistance to enrol can be directed to one of the study genetic counsellors. If couples choose to proceed with testing they receive sample kits in the post and everything is provided for them to collect their cheek swab samples and post back when they are ready.
Result delivery is performed through the online portal or by telephone from a genetic counsellor. Couples who require genetic counselling are referred directly to the Paediatric and Reproductive Genetics Unit at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in North Adelaide. The referring GP receives a copy of the results for their records.
The study already has a number of recruiting health care practitioners on board, but is looking to involve more recruiters, particularly those working in regional and remote Australia. The study does have specific geographic and quota recruitment targets so health care practitioners may be approached or selected according to need.
If you are interested in potentially becoming involved in Mackenzie’s Mission, or finding out if you are in one of the recruitment target areas, please click to access the EOI form or email the South Australian study genetic counsellor at
Further information is also available via the study website at
McKenzie’s Mission Information Sheet | CLICK HERE
Expression of Interest | CLICK HERE
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of
Lee Matthiessen.
Lee passed away on Monday 1st March 2021.
She had been a valued member of our GP Obstetric Shared Care Team, working at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital as a
Midwife Coordinator
and will be missed.

Don’t forget to visit our GP Partners Australia website for further updates and resources
We trust this – and future updates – will be of help to you during these crazy times.
Stay safe.
If you have any questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to contact the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program Manager – Leanne at