Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter | Autumn

Recommendation for all Women to be Offered Pre-Pregnancy Genetic Screening
By Dr Annie Lin – GP Advisor, SA Obstetric Shared Care Program
At the recent Obstetric Shared Care Accreditation Seminar Associate Professor Chris Barnett talked to our GPs about pre-pregnancy genetic screening and Dr Annie Lin has shared a summary of his presentation for you below.
In July 2018, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) Council and Board approved changes to their statement on “Prenatal screening and diagnostic testing for fetal chromosomal and genetic conditions”.
GPs play a key role in preconception care and are now also expected to discuss genetic carrier screening with couples planning a pregnancy. Pre-pregnancy genetic carrier testing has the potential to identify couples at high risk of having children with severe genetic conditions.
Click here now to read the full article and access the RANZCOG statement.
Obstetric Shared Care: Updates for GPs
Rural and Remote Maternity Services in Queensland
Click here for a copy of the RACGP Rural Submission to the Department of Health, Queensland on Rural and Remote Maternity Services in Queensland for your information. This includes some detail on the spread of Obstetric Care around the nation.
Important! Change to the timing of Pertussis Immunisation in Pregnancy
The Australian Immunisation Guidelines and State Health Department protocols have been updated to recommend women be immunised from 20-32 weeks gestation, rather than from 28 weeks. Women can continue to receive a funded vaccine up until birth; however it takes 2 weeks for antibodies to peak, hence the recommendation for earlier immunisation.
The reasons for the change are simple:
- It provides for protection of premature babies
- There is evidence of similar antibody levels in cord blood from 2nd and 3rd trimester vaccination, with perhaps even higher levels from the 2nd trimester immunisation. Although there is lower transfer initially, there is a longer time to transfer, with the most efficient transfer being from 30 weeks gestation
- The research says it is safe for both mum and bub
- We will now have a broader target to hit.
For simplicity’s sake, we suggest that we change our practice and immunise women when we review their morphology scan. If a woman has received pertussis immunisation before 20 weeks, it does not have to be repeated in the current pregnancy. The data shows transfer of antibodies as early as 13 weeks.
The influenza vaccine, as we would all know, can be administered at any gestation and provides additional protection for the first six months of an infant’s life.
Click here for more information.
Stillbirth Roundtable Summary
The Stillbirth Roundtable was held 12 February 2019. The aim of the Roundtable was to identify national priorities and strategies for reducing stillbirth and provide advice on priorities for the initial investment of $3 million announced by Minister Hunt for stillbirth education and awareness programs, and the $3 million for stillbirth research through the Medical Research Future Fund. A summary report has been produced and click here for your information.
Maternity Musings
Antenatal and Postnatal Care News
Click here for the latest RACGP | Specific Interests Antenatal and Postnatal Care.
South Australian Perinatal Practice Guideline
Click here to read the latest changes to the PPG – Diabetes Mellitus and Gestational Diabetes.
The South Australian GP Obstetric Shared Care Protocols will be amended to reflect these changes.
The GP Obstetric Shared Care Program is deeply saddened by the passing earlier this year of Lyn Langley (Midwife Coordinator WCH).
We acknowledge her wonderful contribution to the SA GP Obstetric Shared Care Program.
Reflection from the staff of the OSC Program at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
Lyn has been an integral part of Obstetric Shared Care Program at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital since 1995 when it was then part of the Adelaide Central Eastern and Western Divisions of General Practice. She worked full time within the service up until her illness.
Lyn completed her Registered Nurse training at the Mount Gambier Hospital in 1988. She commenced her Midwifery training at the Queen Victoria Hospital in 1990 and later went on to complete a Graduate Certificate in Neonatal Critical care at the University of South Australia in 1993. She returned to University in 1996 to undertake a Bachelor of Nursing.
Lyn was a passionate Midwife who was strong advocate for Women’s Obstetric Health care across the State of South Australia. She provided care that was of an exceptional standard often providing care that was over and above what was required.
Lyn was a devoted Mother and Partner. Lyn supported her children James and Amy in all of their academic and sporting commitments whilst undertaking fulltime work.
Lyn was very direct in her approach; She called a spade a spade and did not suffer fools gladly. She will be fondly remembered by those who have worked with her.
GPEx – ‘A Day in General Practice’
The GP Obstetrics Shared Care program has collaborated with GPEx again in 2019 to participate in a series of workshops attended by Registrars. The aim is to offer the Registrars with an insight into becoming an Accredited Obstetrics Shared Care GP and how to manage that first ante-natal consultation.
A total of four workshops will be held in Adelaide.
We were delighted last year with the positive feedback and more so with the many enquiries as to the process of becoming an Accredited GP Obstetric Shared Care provider.
Pregnancy, Babies and Children’s Expo
13th – 14th April 2019
We were there!

To provide Obstetric Shared Care in South Australia over 20 weeks, GPs must be accredited in the GP Obstetric Shared Care program.
Click here to order the latest version of the SA Pregnancy Record – V11
Repeat OSC Clinical Refresher Split Evening
Tuesday 30th July 2019 & Tuesday 6th August 2019
Adelaide Pavilion, Corner Peacock Road & South Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000

Suhit Anantula has been appointed as the CEO of GP Partners Australia to explore new ways of creating value to its members and the wider stakeholders. In addition, he is the CEO of GP InnoVentures, a newly formed for-profit entity of GP Partners Australia focussed on transformational opportunities in Health. More details on GP InnoVentures will be coming soon.
Suhit is passionate about transformation and innovation across industries. Suhit’s experience spans innovation consulting, investment banking, social enterprises, tech startups, state government and not-for-profits. He focuses on enabling organisations to imagine and create the best futures for their customers, team members and stakeholders.
If you want to reach out to Suhit please feel free to do it at sanantula@gppaustralia.org.au