Update on PPE Supply

Are You Experiencing Difficulty in Reliably Sourcing Hygiene Products
Dear GPs and Practice Managers,
GPs have asked us for assistance with what is happening with supplies of PPE. It has been concerning to hear about continuing low supplies of PPE, including difficulty reliably sourcing hygiene products at a reasonable price.
GP Partners Australia have identified a locally manufactured and distributed source of hygiene products including:
- Hand Sanitiser
- Surface Disinfectant (Food Safe)
- Alcohol Surface Sanitiser
- Alcohol Wipes
- Antibacterial Soap
- Medical Masks
Healthy Industries Australia, whose directors include the current and also former Chairs of GP Partners (Rob DiMonte & Andrew Kellie respectively) have teamed with Axis Manufacture to provide the Healthcare & Medical industry in South Australia these products at competitive prices. With State Government endorsement, Axis Manufacture, a local manufacturer, is pivoting its operations to the manufacture of hand sanitizer and other hygiene products, but specifically directed towards industry rather than the consumer market.
Through their Clean Life brand they are not only manufacturing products but also establishing a distribution platform for non-hospital medical centres and broader industry in general to access product. In a seamless frictionless process the platform provides customers with a PLS program – Priority List Supply, where any organisation that registers with Clean Life is guaranteed supply for their order.
Also, HIA has secured special pricing so customers are able to register as “Healthcare & Medical – HIA” in the industry dropdown menu to receive this pricing.
Healthcare includes health, ageing and disability.
Below are the details associated with registration. It is also important to note there is no registration or subscription fees.
GP Partners Australia hopes this will be of use to you and please feel free to share with your colleagues and any other interested parties in the industry.
GP Partners Australia
A one-stop source of Coronavirus information for you, your Practice, your staff and your patients as this rapidly evolving crisis unfolds.