Research and Development | Update

GPEx is the proud recipient of two RACGP Education Research Grants for 2021.
The first research study, undertaken in partnership with The University of Adelaide and GPSA, explores the financial costs and revenue associated with teaching and supervision in general practice. Findings from this study can help inform discussions and decision-making regarding the planning of future registrar employment models, and practice payment models. For more information about this research study, including opportunities to be involved, please click here.
The second study is being undertaken in partnership with GP Synergy, General Practice Training Tasmania, and General Practice Training Queensland, and is exploring how existing Early Safety Assessment (ESA) content, structure, and flagging procedures can be improved. Findings from this study would inform the identification of essential elements for an evidence-based, acceptable, and feasible early safety assessment, and could inform our future development of the process within GPEx and other RTOs. For more information about this research study, please click here.
These research projects are supported by The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners with funding from the Australian General Practice Training Program: An Australian Government initiative.