SA Health chooses GPEx to measure the impact of its new palliative care navigation service on primary healthcare

GPEx is working with SA Health to measure the impact on primary care of its new Palliative Care Connect service, which provides information and links to palliative care and bereavement supports.
Our task will be to evaluate the impact of these services on primary health professionals and to identify economic improvements, enhanced patient and carer outcomes, and overall satisfaction with the service.
To this end, we will conduct research both before and after primary care professionals’ engagement with Palliative Care Connect. CPD-accredited education will be used as a strategy to raise awareness of the service and to incentivise GPs and other primary care professionals to participate in the research. Our tried and tested approach will result in a significant sample size to provide robust and reliable data for analysis.
Comprehensive Research Approach
Our comprehensive approach will include both quantitative and qualitative methods, engaging a diverse range of primary health professionals across South Australia. Key areas of focus will include:
- Productivity Metrics: Assessing how engagement with Palliative Care Connect influences the efficiency and effectiveness of health professionals.
- Patient and Carer Outcomes: Measuring improvements in patient and carer experiences and outcomes.
- Knowledge Enhancement: Evaluating increases in knowledge and best practices for palliative care management among health professionals.
- Satisfaction Levels: Gauging overall satisfaction with Palliative Care Connect services.

At the conclusion of the project, GPEx will provide SA Health with a report comprising detailed analysis of the collected data to provide actionable insights and measure the service’s effectiveness.
This project underscores GPEx’s commitment to enhancing healthcare outcomes and supporting primary health professionals in delivering top-quality care. By leading this initiative, GPEx aims to assist SA Health with significant improvements in the understanding and utilisation of palliative care navigation services across the State.
About Palliative Care Connect
Palliative Care Connect provides support for individuals and families navigating life-limiting illnesses, acting as a bridge between primary health networks, specialist palliative care services, and community-based organisations. The Palliative Care Connect website features key information about palliative care and bereavement to patients, carers, family members, friends and healthcare professionals, and offers a self-assessment tool to help people identify the support and resources they need.
Palliative Care Navigators, available through the information line 1800 725 548 (PALLI8), provide information, service linkages, and empower individuals to make choices aligned with their culture and preferences.
Palliative Care Navigators also support general practitioners and other healthcare professions, including those who work in palliative care units, acute care and aged care services to organise and link people to appropriate palliative care, supports or services.
Other Palliative Care Connect services include specific palliative navigation services for Aboriginal people and those living in regional areas; statewide bereavement navigation and support, and palliative care volunteer coordination through the Palliative Care Volunteering SA project.
We invite all those in South Australia to access and refer patients, carers and anyone who may benefit from information and support with palliative care and bereavement to Palliative Care Connect.