Shaping the Future of the GP Workforce in South Australia

GPEx is leading the charge in GP workforce analysis, with a forward-thinking approach to assess GP training and community need.
Key Developments in Workforce Planning and Prioritisation
GPEx has achieved an encouraging step forward in shaping the future of the GP workforce within South Australia through our recent submission to the Department of Health and Aged Care as part of the Workforce Planning and Prioritisation (WPP) program. Established in 2022 by the Department, the program supports the transition to college-led GP training by assessing workforce and community need, and where GP Registrars may be able to be manoeuvred as a potential solution to need.
Leading the WPP consortium in South Australia, which includes Adelaide PHN and SA Health, we have delivered a milestone report with extensive analysis of the GP workforce within South Australia, including tailored recommendations for the GP Colleges to apply within the GP placements cycle. Our recommendations were endorsed by the diverse members of the GP WPP Steering Group consisting of esteemed GP sector organisations and renowned academic institutions, demonstrating the broad support for our prioritisation strategy. The report also contained local intelligence from GPs and practice managers from GP Practices and Aboriginal Community-Controlled services, supplementing our rich data sets of GP access and need. With a strategic focus on distributing GP training placements effectively, our analysis categorises regions by priority levels for workforce development, focusing on balancing current and future community need, current and future training capacity, and also considering registrar preferences for their general practice training.
Sector Engagement and Insight Sharing
Amidst the steady progress, GPEx’s contributions were spotlighted during presentations at the WONCA and RMA conferences in October 2023. There was keen interest from our colleagues, underscoring the critical nature of our work in the WPP program.
What’s Next?
As we forge ahead, GPEx is actively preparing for the next reporting phase in mid-2024, engaging stakeholders in an ongoing conversation to refine and enhance our approach, informed by a wealth of local knowledge and expertise.