Welcome to more Winter Wisdom!

Welcome to the first newsletter of the new Financial Year!
There is nothing quite like a roaring fire in winter. It tantalises all our senses – the virtual delight of watching the flames dance, the warmth the fire provides, particularly after coming inside from the cold, as well as the rich smell of burning logs. I hope I have set the scene for you to settle in to read the latest of our newsletters.
We were delighted to see so many of you at our recent seminar at Jarmer’s Kitchen on the 28th June. Dr. Liberty Gallus delivered a comprehensive presentation highlighting the valuable services offered by the Child and Family Health Service (CaFHS) in South Australia. She emphasised that CaFHS plays a vital role in promoting the health and well-being of children and families and very much relies on collaboration with GPs. Liberty also shared a wealth of information about the diverse range of services provided by CaFHS, including antenatal and postnatal care, developmental assessments, parenting support, immunizations, and child health checks. She also delved into the pressing issue of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and delivered a thought-provoking presentation on its implications. Liberty shed light on the significant challenges faced by individuals affected by FASD, emphasizing the importance of early intervention, awareness, and support networks.
Tory Toogood, a well known Women’s Health Physio and an Olympian, shared a wealth of information regarding the benefits of physiotherapy and exercise during pregnancy and beyond. In her presentation, she emphasised that maintaining an active lifestyle during pregnancy can have numerous positive effects, including improved cardiovascular health, reduced pregnancy discomfort, enhanced mood, and better preparation for childbirth. Tory discussed specific exercises that can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, promote optimal posture, and alleviate common pregnancy-related issues such as back pain and incontinence. She also highlighted the importance of postpartum rehabilitation to aid in recovery and regain strength.
Stay tuned for our upcoming Clinical Refresher and Accreditation Seminar, scheduled for August and September. We are excited to provide you with the latest updates on dates and venues, ensuring you are well-informed. Mark your calendars and anticipate the positive impact these events will have on your practice.
We also have a podcast, recently recorded heading your way!
We hope you enjoy this newsletter. My team can’t wait to see what discoveries will excite us and you as we advance into the last six months of 2023. As always, our newsletters aim to keep you informed on the latest news, changes, updates, special announcements and talk all things obstetric!
From my team, our Board of Directors and myself, keep happy and healthy!
With warmest wishes,
Antenatal and Early Parenting Classes you are going to love for your patients!
When Should I Attend Antenatal Classes?
GP Partners Australia has partnered with Ternity to bring this opportunity to you, utilising the recent Strengthening Medicare Grant provided by the Commonwealth Government via the PHNs.
You can use part of this funding, to satisfy the digital component requirement of the grant, to provide complimentary online antenatal and parenting modules to your patients.
Access to online antenatal and parenting education offers numerous benefits for patients, couples, and families. Firstly, it provides convenience and flexibility, allowing individuals to access information and resources at their own pace and from the comfort of their own homes. Online platforms offer a wealth of knowledge, covering a wide range of topics such as pregnancy, childbirth, newborn care, breastfeeding, and parenting techniques. This accessibility empowers individuals to make informed decisions, seek support, and feel more confident throughout their journey. Additionally, online education fosters inclusivity by reaching a broader audience, including those in remote areas or with limited mobility. It also encourages active participation and engagement, with interactive tools, videos, and forums for discussions and sharing experiences. Ultimately, online antenatal and parenting education plays a vital role in promoting awareness, providing support, and enhancing the overall well-being and preparedness of patients, couples, and families.
Reach out to Leanne at lmarch@gppaustralia.org.au for more information and how this can be easily implemented in your Practice.
Breastfeeding Medicine Network ANZ – Online Event
- July 29 – Breastfeeding essentials workshop
- July 30 – Beyond the essentials (advanced topics) workshop 2023
We are pleased to advise that registrations are now open for the Breastfeeding Medicine Network Australia & New Zealand Workshops 2023.
- The workshops will be held online:
- July 29 – Breastfeeding Essentials Workshop
- July 30 – Beyond the Essentials (Advanced Topics) Workshop
- Please go to the workshop website for further information on registration costs, program, speakers as well as information on who we are:
- https://na.eventscloud.com/website/54917/
- Please note:
- Early bird rates are available until May 31st.
- Registrations for the Essentials workshop close July 15th
- Registrations for the Advanced Topics workshop close July 22nd
- Places limited.
SA Branch of the Breastfeeding Medicine Network
Non-Profit Organisation of Medical Doctors who specialise in Breastfeeding Medicine, support of breastfeeding and advocacy for families and babies in Australia and New Zealand
For Further Details and To Join
Contact Dr Julia Chan
Julia is the Coordinator of the SA Branch of the Breastfeeding Medicine Network
(If you do not have Julia’s details contact Leanne at lmarch@gppaustralia.org.au)
Little Pears Pear Tree Family Practice
Little Pears have a GP Lactation Consultant joining their Little Pears location.
Dr Kasey Williams
Information regarding her appointments:
- Antenatal breastfeeding consult (45 mins)
Prior to baby being born, an antenatal breastfeeding consult discusses preparation for breastfeeding and education. For a mum-to-be and planning to breastfeed, an antenatal lactation plan is prepared which is written to the specific needs of the mum and baby. This can also include induced lactation for surrogacy and other circumstances.
- Initial postnatal breastfeeding consult / perinatal consult / baby sleep and settling issues (60 mins)
Once baby is born, these consultations focus on issues such as breastfeeding latch and positioning, breastmilk supply, nipple and breastfeeding conditions, tongue tie assessments, poor weight gain assessments and unsettled baby behaviour. Each consult includes talking a medical history for both mum and baby and relevant examinations such as a baby examination and reviewing a breastfeed.
- On the day appointments (30 mins)
Available for acute concerns such as mastitis. Therapeutic ultrasound can be used in these consults if required.
- Follow-up appointments (45mins)
After an initial consult, a follow up appointment can be made for ongoing support and monitoring progress.
Call (08) 8166 0888 if you have any queries or you require further information.
2023 Safer Baby Bundle Virtual Forum

Twilight Seminar Series
Please see below the link to the recent Twilight session “22-24 weeks at Twilight”
With advances in neonatal resuscitation and intensive care, the gestation of what’s considered ‘viable’ has been falling. In 2020-1, Safer Care Victoria published guidelines on ‘Management of threatened extreme preterm labour’ and ‘ Management of the extremely preterm newborn’. Similar guidelines have been issued across the world, recognizing that decision making for births at 22+0 to 24+6 weeks’ gestation presents clinical and ethical challenges. Babies born between 22+0 and 23+6 may fall within the zone of parental discretion where parental wishes may determine the level of care provided.
It’s had a big impact on our practice. When do we transfer families to tertiary centres? Can we provide ‘in situ’ paediatric counseling by telehealth? When do we decide to offer the Big Resuscit-8: Transfer, Corticosteroids, Tocolysis, Magnesium Sulphate, Fetal Monitoring, Caesarean section, Delayed cord Clamping, Active Resuscitation at birth.
So this is a very special Twilight indeed where all will be made clear at ’22-24 weeks@Twilight’
We hope you enjoy it!
The recording has been broken up into “chapters”, so you can easily click on the session you want to watch along the bottom of the video.The password to access the recording is Twilight
Dr Brian Pridmore Perinatal Forum
Mitotic Melody and Malady:
An interactive forum regarding the challenges of cancer in pregnancy
The Maternal and Perinatal Mortality Committee is pleased to announce that the 2022 Dr Brian Pridmore Perinatal Forum titled ‘Mitotic Melody and Malady: An interactive forum regarding the challenges of cancer in pregnancy’ is now available for viewing online.

Recognising and responding to sexual violence
Health practitioners can now access free online CPD accredited training in identifying and responding to patients who have experienced sexual violence. Monash University’s Department of Forensic Medicine has developed the three-unit program which will equip you to recognise and respond appropriately to adult disclosures of sexual violence. This training program is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services under the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032.
Three units have been developed to build practitioner confidence and skills to respond to and support patients who have experienced sexual assault.
- Unit 1 – Sexual Violence: Drivers and Impacts.
- Unit 2 – Responding to Sexual Violence in Adults.
- Unit 3 – Responding to Sexual Violence in At-Risk Patients.
Enrolments are now open – express your interest here.
Duration of the online course is 6.5 hours over a six-week period which comprises:
● Pre-reading material
● 2 x one-hour interactive Zoom sessions with expert practitioners
● 4 x 1-hour per week self-directed online learning modules.
Head over to their website for more information.
If you have any questions about this training opportunity, please contact the Sexual Violence Response Team via svtraining@monash.edu
SA Pregnancy Handheld Record
Version 15 of the Pregnancy Hand Held Record is now available.
Other versions are now not to be used.
The SA Pregnancy Hand Held Record underwent significant review this year and this will have implications for practice.
Please find attached a summary to assist with communication of these changes.
The SAPR will be available to order via usual processes. CLICK HERE
OMEGA-3 Test & Treat Pilot Program
If you are in Practice in NALHN, you are invited to participate in the evaluation of some new approaches to support the uptake of the omega-3 test-and-treat program.
The researchers have partnered with GPEx and GP Partners Australia to try and address these barriers, which will include the availability of a SAMSAS digital template for inclusion in practice software, support materials and education about the omega-3 test-and-treat program, as well as the making available omega-3 supplement samples for women who test low in omega-3 fatty acids and are disadvantaged.
We are working with GPEx and SAHMRI, and we request your participation in feedback sessions regarding the utility and acceptance of the omega-3 test-and-treat program. The feedback you provide will be kept confidential. You or your practice will not be identified.