Welcome to Winter! GP Partners Australia Announces Exciting Merger

Welcome to the first newsletter of Winter! The colder evenings have arrived and are simply perfect for grabbing a glass of something nice, some chocolate and curling up on the couch to read your Obstetric Shared Care newsletter.
We are delighted to share with you the resounding success of our recent two Accreditation Seminars, where we had the pleasure of hosting over 170 Obstetric Shared Care GPs. These sessions marked a significant milestone in our Obstetric Shared Care Program.
As we reflect on the exceptional success of these Accreditation Seminars, we remain grateful for the dedication and support of our Presenters. Their profound impact has further solidified our commitment to providing high-quality education and continued professional development for our participating GPs.
We sincerely thank:
- Dr Jenni Goold
- Dr Mandana Master
- Professor Maria Makrides
- Dr Peter Muller
- Dr Ludy Du Plessis
- Dr Louise Du Plessis
- Dr Julie Chemmanam
- Dr Charlotte Paull
- Dr Sanjay Sinhal
- Sarah Clark
- Siobhan Lucas
- Katelyn Henry
Our next CPD Activity will be held on Wednesday 28th June at Jarmer’s Kitchen in Bowden.
If you have any specific topics of interest please do not hesitate in letting us know and we will do our best to have this included in our upcoming programs.
I am delighted to announce some exciting news about the merger of GP Partners Australia and GPEx.
GPEx is one of Australia’s leading healthcare training and education organisations with more than 20 years’ experience, particularly in general practice. GPEx is undertaking the Federal Government’s Workforce Planning and Prioritisation contract for South Australia and is partnering with healthcare organisations around Australia to develop bespoke professional education courses.Like GP Partners, GPEx strongly believes in the power of Shared Care models and the capacity to further reduce pressure on our hospitals and outpatient departments. Both organisations want to grow the services we offer in primary care – and that’s why we are now joining forces.
As a result of this merger, GP Partners Australia will sit within the GPEx offering, with Leanne March continuing as General Manager and the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program Manager and with Stephanie Clota as CEO. Two of our Directors – Dr Patricia Montanaro and Mr Rob DiMonte – have joined the GPEx Board under Dr Tony Sherborn as Chair.For our GPs, GPs participating in our Obstetric Shared Care Program and all our stakeholders, nothing changes. The provision of services by GP Partners Australia will continue unaltered and we will continue to deliver the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program unchanged on behalf of the Department of Health and Wellbeing.
The real action will happen behind the scenes as we unlock greater investment in primary care, in clinical trials and in the development of new GP Shared Care models.
As the merger with GPEx moves forward, we are very excited about our evolution and the growth it will deliver and we look forward to more announcements in the near future. We hope you enjoy this newsletter. My team can’t wait to see what discoveries will excite us and you as we advance into the last six months of 2023. As always, our newsletters aim to keep you informed on the latest news, changes, updates, special announcements and talk all things obstetric!From my team, our Board of Directors and myself, keep happy and healthy!With warmest wishes,
Don’t Miss Out!
An Evening of Pregnancy Pearls
The Power of Physiotherapy and Pre-Conception Management
- Wednesday 28th June 2023
- 6.00pm – 9.15pm
- Registration from 5pm
- Jarmer’s Kitchen | Bowden SA 5007
As we strive to improve care and outcomes for women and their babies we aim to take you on a journey of innovative perinatal research and care. We promise there will be something for everyone.
- Build your knowledge and skills
- Confidently provide antenatal care
- Implement quality improvements
- Add to your OSC Program required CPD hours to maintain your accreditation
- Accreditation with the RACGP and ACRRM CPD hours for the 2023-25 triennium
We are pleased to advise that registrations are now open for the Breastfeeding Medicine Network Australia & New Zealand Workshops 2023.
SA Branch of the Breastfeeding Medicine Network
Non-Profit Organisation of Medical Doctors who specialise in Breastfeeding Medicine, support of breastfeeding and advocacy for families and babies in Australia and New Zealand
For Further Details and To Join
Contact Dr Julia Chan
Julia is the Coordinator of the SA Branch of the Breastfeeding Medicine Network
(If you do not have Julia’s details contact Leanne at lmarch@gppaustralia.org.au)
Aboriginal specific resources for Aboriginal people and clinicians working with Aboriginal families. They include Apps for Aboriginal people to support parenting and mental health.

‘Baby Coming You Ready?’ (BCYR) is a co-designed wrap-around program to replace current screening and to enhance the spiritual, cultural, social and emotional wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents.
Twilight Seminar Series
Please see below the link to the recent Twilight session “Gestational Diabetes @ Twilight“. We hope you enjoy it!
The recording has been broken up into “chapters”, so you can easily click on the session you want to watch along the bottom of the video.The password to access the recording is Twilight
Providing Advice about Alcohol for Safe Breastfeeding

This session provides evidence-based advice about breastfeeding practices that minimise the risk of infants consuming milk containing alcohol.
This webinar provides current best-practice guidance to increase the knowledge and skills of health professionals in providing advice about alcohol use and breastfeeding. Research conducted in 2022 highlighted gaps in knowledge and misperceptions about the risks of drinking alcohol during breastfeeding, and effective strategies to minimise these risks, among both women who breastfeed and healthcare professionals.
Many thanks to Dr Kirsty Anderson for providing this and for sharing her thoughts below:
Alcohol goes into breastmilk 30-60 minutes after consumption (but individual characteristics affect absorption of alcohol e.g. BMI, food etc.)
- Alcohol inhibits oxytocin which negatively affects the let-down reflex.
- Alcohol disrupts baby’s sleep/wake cycle
Harm minimisation strategies if breastfeeding and drinking alcohol:
- Wait 2 hours post a standard drink before breastfeeding
- Express breastmilk prior to drinking alcohol to give to baby if needs a feed after drinking alcohol
- If missing a feed for baby, express and discard the breastmilk to maintain supply
- No alcohol in the first 4-6 weeks postpartum whilst trying to get breastfeeding and baby’s sleep/wake cycle established
Try Feed Safe App to help to calculate alcohol drinking and when to breastfeed after drinking
Every Moment Matters – Alcohol and Pregnancy
Breastfeeding Medicine Network Australia and New Zealand – Find a Doctor/Service
South Australia
Doctors with IBCLC:
(*performs tongue-tie release)
Adelaide Mums and Babies Clinic
3/146 Fullarton Road, Rose Park, SA, 5067 / T 81664381 / F 81664389 / hello@mumsandbabies.com.au / http://www.mumsandbabies.com.au
Dr Julia Chan (MBBS (Hons), FRACGP, DCH, IBCLC)
Breastfeeding and Parenting Clinic, Adelaide Health Care
43 Carrington Street, Adelaide SA 5000 / T 8410 0774 / F 84100779 / http://www.adelaidehealthcare.com.au
Dr Melanie Considine (MBBS, FRACGP, CertWH, DCH, IBCLC, NDC practitioner)
Clare Medical Centre
41 Old North Rd, Clare SA, 5453 / T 8841 3777 / cmc@claremedical.com.au/ http://www.claremedical.com.au
Dr Rhiannon Smith (MBBS, FRACGP, DRANZCOG Adv, DCH, IBCLC, NDC practitioner)
Adelaide Mums and Babies Clinic
3/146 Fullarton Road, Rose Park, SA, 5067 / T 8166 4381 / hello@mumsandbabies.com.au / http://www.mumsandbabies.com.au
Mount Barker Balhannah Medical Clinics
59 Wellington Road, Mount Barker, SA, 5251 / T 8391 0699
Doctors with breastfeeding interest:
Dr Alice Roberts-Thomson (MBBS FRACGP DCH, NDC accredited, working towards IBCLC)
Adelaide Mums and Babies Clinic
3/146 Fullarton Road, Rose Park, SA, 5067 / T 08 81664381 / 08 81664389 / hello@mumsandbabies.com.au / http://www.mumsandbabies.com.au
Dr Sophie Walenczykiewicz (MBBS, FRACGP, NDC Practitioner)
Adelaide Mums and Babies Clinic
3/146 Fullarton Road, Rose Park, SA, 5067 / T 8166 4381 / hello@mumsandbabiesclinic.com.au / https://mumsandbabies.com.au/contact/
To support a state-wide approach to shared learning from coronial investigations, I am writing to request that all SA Health Networks communicate this request as a reminder to relevant staff and general practitioners within your network and ensure this practice is reflected in relevant procedural documents.
Chief Executive
SA Pregnancy Hand Held Record
Version 15 of the Pregnancy Hand Held Record is now available.
Other versions are now not to be used.
The SA Pregnancy Hand Held Record underwent significant review this year and this will have implications for practice.
Please find attached a summary to assist with communication of these changes.
The SAPR will be available to order via usual processes. CLICK HERE
Nourish Mind | Body | Baby
We are reaching out to you and your GP Practice in regard to the Australian Government investing $220 million in grants, over two years from 2022-23 to 2023-24, through the Strengthening Medicare – GP Grants Program (the Program), to support General Practices.
As you may be aware, a one-off grant of either $25,000, $35,000 or $50,000 will be available to each participating General Practice, where the purpose of the program is to provide funding to General Practices to expand patient access and support safe and accessible quality primary care.
Specifically with the Grant funding criteria to support the General Practice to “Enhance digital health capability”; we would like to gain your Expression of interest in your Practice having access for all your Antenatal Patients, Expectant and New Families to a Digital/ Online Antenatal and Early Parenting Program called Nourish Baby.

OMEGA-3 Test & Treat Pilot Program
If you are in Practice in NALHN, you are invited to participate in the evaluation of some new approaches to support the uptake of the omega-3 test-and-treat program.
The researchers have partnered with GPEx and GP Partners Australia to try and address these barriers, which will include the availability of a SAMSAS digital template for inclusion in practice software, support materials and education about the omega-3 test-and-treat program, as well as the making available omega-3 supplement samples for women who test low in omega-3 fatty acids and are disadvantaged.
We are working with GPEx and SAHMRI, and we request your participation in feedback sessions regarding the utility and acceptance of the omega-3 test-and-treat program. The feedback you provide will be kept confidential. You or your practice will not be identified.