Dr MCQ (question bank only)


Extensive AKT/MCQ question bank (12 months access)

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1,170+ practice questions
Timed mock exams
Customisable quiz builder
Performance dashboards and benchmarking

About this Program

The Dr MCQ question bank is ideal for testing your knowledge under exam conditions. With access to over 1,170 questions, you can use the Dr MCQ Quiz Builder to create your own customised quizzes to suit your learning needs, or the four timed mock exams to benchmark your performance and likelihood of passing the real exam.

Test your time management skills with timed exams and check the answers as you go to help identify any knowledge gaps and learning needs.

Our mock exams are mapped to the RACGP and ACRRM curriculum, and our exam predictor research has shown that participants who undertake our timed Dr MCQ mock exams are 30 per cent more likely to pass their corresponding college exams.

Program Content

4 x timed mock MCQ exams

Dr MCQ includes three 90-minute timed mock exams, each consisting of 60 questions, and one four hour timed mock exam, consisting of 150 questions. Questions include single best answer and extended matching types, plus correct answers, explanations and references.

We use Australian references where available and utilise free open access resources where possible. The two exceptions to this are: Therapeutic Guidelines and the Australian Medicines Handbook. While these require a paid subscription to access, we highly recommend you arrange access to these resources as they contain the most up to date and appropriate treatment guidelines for Australian general practice.

Customisable MCQ Quiz Builder

Access to a pool of over 800 questions and build your own quizzes from any number of questions and clinical topics. You can also choose whether you want the quiz to be timed or untimed. Correct answers, explanations and references are provided for all questions.

Mock Exam Performance and Peer Comparison Dashboards

Tailored dashboards containing analysis of your Dr MCQ timed mock exam attempts and your performance benchmarked against our research group cohort will indicate your likelihood of passing the real AKT/MCQ exam and help identify knowledge gaps.

Suitability of Dr MCQ for non-RACGP candidates

ACRRM registrars

Dr MCQ contains an Emergency and Rural Health question category specifically developed for ACRRM and rural registrars. The Quiz Builder function includes the option to only include questions that are consistent with those in the ACRRM MCQ Exam in the ACRRM format: single best answer with clinical stem and 4 answer options.

RNZCGP GPEP candidates

Dr MCQ questions typically contain 5 answer options which is consistent with the format of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) General Practice Education Programme (GPEP) Written Examination. The Quiz Builder function enables candidates to create quizzes containing 80 and 160 questions and set an average time limit of 1.5 minutes per question to match the timing of the real exam. Dr MCQ is mapped to the RACGP curriculum – some questions may not be entirely relevant to a NZ context.

AMC exam candidates

The format of the Dr MCQ questions is equivalent to those in the AMC exam. There may be some areas outside the scope of general practice that do not feature heavily in Dr MCQ but may appear in the AMC exam, such as surgery or anaesthetics. However, Dr MCQ is still a great exam preparation resource to test knowledge across all areas of general practice, identify knowledge gaps, and assist with study through customisable quizzes, practice questions and mock exams.

CAAKT exam candidates

Dr MCQ is mapped to the RACGP curriculum and covers a good range of topics to prepare for the Knowledge Test question component of the Candidate Assessment and Applied Knowledge Test (CAAKT). Dr MCQ is targeted at candidates preparing to sit fellowship exams and the level of difficulty for CAAKT candidates will be slightly higher. Therefore, candidates who do well in Dr MCQ will likely be comfortable sitting the Knowledge Test portion of the CAAKT. Dr MCQ does not contain Situational Judgement Test questions – candidates will need to prepare for this portion of the CAAKT separately.


I failed the AKT twice previously, but just got my result today – a creditable 70.07 with a pass mark of 61.9 – smashed it! I put it down to Dr MCQ. Thank you so much.

Program participant

I used Dr MCQ which was very useful and managed to pass the first attempt ACRRM MCQ exam!

Program participant

Medical Educators

Dr Maya Luks
Dr Marny Royans
Dr Marny Royans

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