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Is it worth sitting AKT/MCQ and KFP mock exams? All you need to know

The importance of AKT/MCQ and KFP practice exams with feedback for effective exam preparation Exams can be stressful at the best of times, the RACGP or ACRRM written exams, like the AKT, KFP or MCQ, are no different. You may know people who have failed, you will be aware of the published pass rates, you […]

World First Test for Premature Birth Risk

Updated Advice for the Care ofPregnant Women

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, CONNECTING YOU WITH THE NEWS YOU NEED FORGP OBSTETRIC SHARED CARE Webinar Invitation Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the risk of early birth: Identifying and treating the women most likely to benefit. On World Prematurity Day, we invite you to hear the latest data about Omega-3 fatty acids and prematurity and […]