Updated Advice for the Care ofPregnant Women
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, With several States plunged into lockdown, it’s back to working from home and Teams meetings for us here at GP Partners and increasing telehealth consultations for many of our GPs. But hang in there! Please take care of yourselves and each other through this current period of lockdown and we’ll […]

The importance of our Supervisor Liaison Officers (SLO) and Supervisor Team
GPEx is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Bill Geyer as the GPEx rural SLO with Dr Frank Maldari continuing in his role as the urban SLO. The Supervisor Liaison Officers are experienced GP Supervisors who liaise between GPEx and the wider GPEx Supervisor group. They are a conduit for GP Supervisors’ ideas and […]

Can you help us find out the ideal amount of iodine needed in pregnancy for baby’s brain development? Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, Why are we interested in iodine in pregnancy? We know that getting the right amount of iodine in pregnancy is important for baby’s brain and nervous system development. Since 2009, iodine has […]

Meet Dr Bill Geyer
Rural general practice incorporates the best features of all medical specialties. I’ve spent my career as a rural procedural GP, including obstetrics and anaesthetics, working in country locations across the Northern Territory and New South Wales and in Tanunda for the past 25 years. I provide continuity of care, from cradle to grave, in consulting […]