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A rural generalist with Mental Health, front of mind

As a rural generalist, Dr Wil Daehn had a distinctive interest in the field of Mental health and this combined with a known shortage of these skills especially in regional and rural communities, Wil has pursued his interest and now provide his community with a much need set of specialist skills. “…I had a specific […]

How to make your CV standout from the crowd

Doctors devote their careers – and probably more accurately, their lives – to helping others, so much so that many doctors overlook the resources and skills that are often required to succeed in today’s job market. You’ve spent so many years focussed on the learning, training and working aspects of your career to get to […]

Mindfulness for the Busy GP

Ever notice when you are distracted, trying to ‘multi-task’ with minimal success, or are on automatic pilot? Though acting automatically can be helpful in many situations, problems can arise when we spend most of our lives in this way. Being distracted and zoning out of experiences can affect our relationships and work performance, as well […]

Failed one of your GP Fellowship exams – now what?

“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” Michael Jordan Have you recently found out that you failed your Fellowship exam, like the RACGP KFP, AKT or CCE exams, or the ACRRM MCQ? How are you feeling? You may be feeling hurt, confused, angry, ashamed, embarrassed, all of these […]