Are you on track to pass the KFP exam?

It is important for you to know whether your performance in mock exams can indicate how well you will perform in the actual KFP exam. How can you check?
Are you on track to pass the RACGP KFP Fellowship exam?
We hear many candidates saying things like “I am scoring 60% on practice exam xy or z so I will likely pass the RACGP KFP exam”. But we know from experience that unfortunately many candidates do fail the KFP exam, so it is probably worth unpacking these assumptions.
There are two things to consider: correlation and pass mark. Let’s start with correlation (a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things). Firstly, it’s important for you to know whether your performance in mock exams will indicate how well you will perform in the actual KFP exam. However, not all mock exams correlate with the RACGP exam. Some practice exam preparation programs available online haven’t done the research to look if their mock exams correlate with the RACGP KFP exam, and do not invest in a rigorous case writing approach.
Fortunately for you, Dr KFP does.
GPEx is committed to research and quality. We engage experienced Medical Educators who are trained in creating KFP exam-style questions to write for us and we conduct ongoing research to improve our programs – your exam success is our goal!
Our research analysist has crunched the numbers to make sure that the mock exams we are delivering closely reflects the RACGP exam for ALL candidates no matter their experience, past KFP exam attempts or training pathway.
Our research clearly demonstrates that candidates who scored highly on the Dr KFP mock full-length exam went on to do well in the RACGP KFP exam. Conversely most candidates who scored below 56% in the Dr KFP mock full-length exam went on to fail.
Talking to candidates who went on to pass, they found our mock exam and personalised feedback very useful in understanding what was required to pass and gave them the tools they needed to get the result they wanted.
Having established there is a correlation, let’s move to the second consideration: pass marks. Pass marks are rarely 50%. The RACGP pass mark changes for each KFP exam and is worked out using a variety of statistical methods. It varies year to year, so don’t be trapped into thinking you only need 50% to pass, as this will likely not be enough.
So, how are you going?
Have you tested yourself using the Dr KFP mock full-length exam?
Are you on track to pass?
Have a go at the full-length mock exam, mark yourself critically against the marking grid and work out your score. This will give you an accurate idea of how you are tracking.
Should you fall lower than you had hoped, go back to the basics. Have a look at the introductory information in Dr KFP. Also, perhaps you could benefit from feedback? Ask your supervisor, colleague or study partner to review your answers with you. It might be helpful to flag if you are making any common or repeated errors. For example, are you overlooking key features of the case, are you answering the question that is being asked, or are you making any technique errors? This is also a great opportunity to review your knowledge gaps and add them to your exam preparation action plan.
All the best with your study!
The GPEx Team