
Latest Update from RANZCOG

In light of the successful flattening of the curve in Australia and New Zealand, RANZCOG has now updated advice regarding routine antenatal care and birth.  RANZCOG recognises that individual institutions and other jurisdictions will have their own protocols in place, and these should be adhered to. There remains a risk of a second wave of infection […]

Mental Health in Pregnancy, Post Natally and New Parenthood

This year is proving to be like no other! Just to inform you that the COVID-19 Mental Health Support and Pregnancy information sheets have finally been approved and have now been uploaded to the SA Health website, COVID-19 Mental Health Support web portal. Having a baby is an emotional experience at the best of times. But during […]

Authoritative Information for our Obstetric Shared Care GPs.

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, We hope that wherever you may be, you are safe and well during these crazy COVID days. Whether it feels like it or not, with each day that passes we are redefining our ‘new normal’. Has our trust in society changed? Has our sense of responsibility to each other altered? […]

Top 5 causes of failure in AKT/MCQ and KFP Fellowship examinations

You’ve failed one or more of your GP fellowship exams, and maybe not for the first time. A sense of shock, confusion, and dread may be just some of the emotions you are feeling right now as you start to prepare to sit the exams – again! How did you get here? What can you […]

The Whole Nine Months Magazine

Welcome to The Whole Nine Months 2020 This year is proving to be like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our world, along with how we are living our lives and how GPs practice medicine. The evidence available to us at this time is that COVID-19 infection does not seem to cause preterm labour. […]

Pregnancy and Mental Health

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, 2020 has brought many unexpected challenges to our nation with fires, floods and now, the COVID-19 pandemic, that is impacting on us all in so many ways. As a profession we have to be proud as we have continued to provide the best possible care to mothers and babies. So […]

Update on PPE Supply

Are You Experiencing Difficulty in Reliably Sourcing Hygiene Products Dear GPs and Practice Managers, GPs have asked us for assistance with what is happening with supplies of PPE. It has been concerning to hear about continuing low supplies of PPE, including difficulty reliably sourcing hygiene products at a reasonable price.  GP Partners Australia have identified […]

The Folic Acid Study

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, You can help with this important studyPlease share this with your antenatal patients Why are we Doing This Study? Taking folic acid supplements before becoming pregnant and for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is important and has been shown to reduce neural tube defects.  Once the baby’s neural tube […]

Asymptomatic Pregnant Women with Covid-19

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, As we head into the third week of April, Easter now seems far away. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold so rapidly and is changing constantly. The GP Obstetric Shared Care Program continues to look to produce information and resources that can guide and assist you during this time when treating your […]

An Update from NALHN – Diabetes Screening (GDM) in Pregnancy

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, Our GP Partners Australia COVID-19 news hub is updated regularly to bring you the latest developments and information as it becomes available, as well as our own insights to how these changes will impact you and GP Obstetric Shared Care. Due to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, NALHN has amended their guidelines […]