Obstetric Shared Care: Late Winter | Early Spring 2019Newsletter
Obstetric Shared Care: CPD Updates for GPs 2019 CPD Events Hahndorf This year our peri-urban CPD event was held at the Adelaide Hills Convention Centre in Hahndorf on the 28th August 2019 and was titled ‘Let’s Manage 1st Trimester Screening’. Associate Professor Rosalie Grivell’s presentation was detailed, clear and interactive. Take home messages include the […]

13 essential last minute tips for RACGP or ACRRM Fellowship exams
13 essential last minute exam tips What can you do in the last few days prior to Fellowship exams to make sure you are as prepared as you possibly can be? It’s clearly too late to revise everything. But all is not lost. Read on for our essential last minute exam tips. # 1 Take time to […]

Programmatic Assessment Roadshow
November 2017 was the month of Programmatic Assessment Masterclasses in Australia for ModMed (GPEx). Five workshops, hosted by five different organisations in four cities, saw over 400 people attend the Masterclasses. They were led by Prof Cees Van der Vleuten, from Maastricht University, Prof Lambert Schuwirth from The Prideaux Centre at Flinders University and Ms Christine […]

Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter | Autumn
Recommendation for all Women to be Offered Pre-Pregnancy Genetic Screening By Dr Annie Lin – GP Advisor, SA Obstetric Shared Care Program At the recent Obstetric Shared Care Accreditation Seminar Associate Professor Chris Barnett talked to our GPs about pre-pregnancy genetic screening and Dr Annie Lin has shared a summary of his presentation for you […]

Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter | Summer
Targeting Perinatal Mental Health In recognition of the recent Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Awareness (PANDA) Week, the ‘Talking Women’ article for Medical Observer focuses on this important area of women’s health. Finkel Professor of Global Health Jane Fisher explains that perinatal anxiety and depression is temporary and treatable. To find out more, please download the article. Perinatal Mental Health […]

Cessation of the SA Health Apple app Practices Guideline Reader
As you would be aware, the SA Maternal, Neonatal and Gynaecology, and the SA Child and Adolescent Health Communities of Practice facilitate the development and review of Practice Guidelines. Both SA Communities of Practice have endorsed the cessation of the SA Health Apple app – ‘Practices Guideline Reader’, which ceased operation as of 13 November […]