
Mastering the unfamiliar: How to enhance the CCE skills you need the most

Congratulations! You have passed your Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) written exams and are now preparing for your Clinical Competency Exam (CCE). As you may have read in the RACGP Candidate guidelines for the CCE, this exam is designed to assess your competence and readiness for independent practice as a specialist GP. It […]

Mastering the unfamiliar CCE Blog Feature

A strategic exam preparation approach: Incorporating preventative healthcare in your CCE performance

The Clinical Competency Exam (CCE) is the final exam on the pathway to fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). Candidates are presented with nine clinical cases; four case-based discussions where candidates discuss a case with the examiner, and five clinical encounters, where candidates directly interact with a simulated patient (role-player) while […]

A Strategic Approach CCE Blog Feature

The new KFP 2025.2 Exam Format and a psychologist’s advice on dealing with change

You may or may not have heard, but the RACGP Key Feature Problem (KFP) exam is changing dramatically for the 2025.2 sitting. Amazing right?! RACGP have listened to your feedback about this exam and changed its format in response. So, what are the changes and what does this mean for me, I hear you ask. […]

GPEx Website Blog Feature_ The new KFP 2025.2 Exam Format

Exercise boosts memory and concentration: ideal for Fellowship Exam Prep

Exercise benefits health in many ways. Exercise stimulates physiological changes in the body such as encouraging production of growth factors: chemicals that affect the growth of new blood vessels in the brain, and even the abundance, survival, and overall health of new brain cells. It preserves muscle strength, keeps our hearts strong, helps us to […]

Blog Feature -Exercise boosts memory and concentration ideal for Fellowship Exam Prep

Are you preparing for the ACRRM MCQ Fellowship exam? We can help.

The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) MCQ exam is a written online assessment which assesses recall, reasoning and applied clinical knowledge. ACRRM stresses that it focuses on assessing the candidate’s ability to manage medical care in a rural or remote environment, with the aim to cover all eight domains of rural and […]

Five Key Takeaways from the RACGP 2024.2 Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) Report  

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) provides candidates with a public exam report after results are released, giving feedback on what the common errors were for the cohort and what to consider or learn from these. This provides valuable insights which can be applied to future exams or possible improvement to make if […]

Blog Feature - Top Strategies for Mastering the RACGP AKT Exam

Memory recall versus recognition – an important distinction for effective Fellowship exam preparation

Memory and Learning  An important part of learning when studying for Fellowship exams is memory retrieval. When you are studying, you are attempting to transfer information from your short-term memory into your long-term memory. Retrieval is the cognitive act of retrieving or recalling this information from your long-term memory into your short-term memory. When you […]

Update on Clinical Trials Initiative

After careful consideration and strategic discussions, we have decided to pause our investment and activities in the clinical trials sector. This decision aligns with our current focus on strengthening and refining our core services, including shared care programs, continuing professional education for GPs and healthcare professionals, and workforce planning. We value the interest and support […]

Blog image - Clinical Trials in Primary Care

Sleep as a strategy to improve Fellowship exam performance

Did you know that sleep is important for exam preparation? We all know how terrible we feel when we haven’t slept yet ironically, sleep is often a neglected component of exam preparation because people underestimate its importance. Human and animal studies show that both the quantity and quality of sleep have a profound impact on […]

Exam Prep Quality Sleep Blog

Is preparation for Fellowship exams leaving you feeling disorganised?

Fellowship exams are notoriously difficult and there are many reasons why candidates struggle to pass them.  For some, it may be a lack of exam preparation or failing to understand the particulars of the exam they are preparing for or often, having too many priorities so doing none well. However, for others, there may be […]

Exam Prep Is preparation for Fellowship exams leaving you feeling disorganised Blog