Category: General News

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10 tips and tricks for success in the RACGP AKT and KFP exams

The thought of the gruelling Royal Australian College of General Practitioner (RACGP) written Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) and Key Feature Problems (KFP) examinations is enough to strike fear into the most prepared and sound general practitioner (GP) trainee. Why do we let this set of questions, this arbitrary marker of achievement, weigh over our lives for so […]

Australia’s bushfires – Caring for your patients.

Residents of South Australia, in fact all of Australia, are experiencing a stressful and frightening time with the bushfire crisis. News services daily deliver the expanse of the fires and devastation that is occurring across the nation into our own homes. Many of our communities are experiencing this devastation first hand. The loss and change […]

Meet Dr Kyle Fairclough

Driving 3000 kilometres across Australia to an island on fire immediately before a global pandemic formed Dr Kyle Fairclough’s introduction to rural General Practice. Originally from Western Australia, Kyle commenced his GP training on Kangaroo Island during the January 2020 bushfires, just weeks before Covid-19 struck. “During my first months as a registrar I have […]

Skin Protection

So spring has finally sprung, and we are all looking forward to the longer days and warmer weather; but with summer just around the corner it is a good time to think about skin protection from the UV radiation.  Summer in Australia is a very dangerous time in the development of skin cancer, and in […]

Father’s Day – time to reflect

Father’s Day is a great time to reflect on the rights and responsibilities of being a Father. As all fathers know there are no rights just responsibilities (right?!) with the occasional gesture of appreciation that comes once a year with jocks, socks and maybe aftershave if you are lucky. Breakfast in bed and all the […]

How healthy are the men in our lives? Time to Act

Merriam-Webster definition of Male: An individual of the sex that is typically capable of producing small, usually motile gametes (such as sperm or spermatozoa) which fertilise the eggs of a female. We all know that the males in our lives are more than that; they are our fathers, sons, husbands, partners, brothers and mates. They […]

Tips to assist change in General Practice

“THE ONLY CONSTANT IN LIFE IS CHANGE “ Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher. As the season changes to the chill of winter, it brings with it other changes; a new semester with new topics to study, new professors to get used to, and for many a change in placement positions and so new faces including Practices […]

Welcoming new team members – managing change in practice

Every 6 months or so, our training partners go through change with new GP registrars coming into the team and others departing. We spoke with a couple of our Practice Managers about how they support their teams during this time, Kate and Michelle share their thoughts with us; Kate Foster, Practice Manager, Kingcraig Medical Clinic, Naracoorte […]

Developing an evidence-based, practical and contextualised Workplace Based Assessment Framework

In late 2018, GPEx was awarded a special Education Research Grant by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) to design a Workplace-based Assessment (WBA) Framework for use within Australian General Practice Training (AGPT). This Framework was completed in collaboration with, Flinders University, EVGPT, GP Synergy, GPTQ, GPTT, MCCC, NTGPE, RVTS and WAGPET. To inform Framework development the following project streams were completed: The […]

Perinatal Practice Guideline Updates for GPs

A number of Guidelines have been published on both the SA Health website (available at and and web-based a (available at Please find attached the guideline upload summaries that detail key points/changes. Perinatal Practice Guidelines: Access Here Neonatal Medication Guidelines• Colecalciferol• Multivitamins (Penta-Vite®) Access Here Diabetes Mellitus and Gestational Diabetes• Changes to the SA Perinatal Practice […]