Failure Rate of Doctors Sitting the GP Fellowship Exams and How to Beat the Statistics

You don’t have to be ‘just a statistic’
Everyone wants to succeed. No one starts something with the goal of failing, but sometimes it happens. At times it can be hard to understand why we failed when we feel we’ve done what was needed to pass. This is especially true if we have never failed before. Failing in these circumstances can feel confronting and disheartening.
In the years we’ve spent helping candidates to achieve their exam goals and support them to address any knowledge gaps or other issues, we’ve often been asked about the biggest causes of failure and how to overcome them. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy, with our thoughts and behaviours sabotaging our goals and our ability to focus during exam time. Additional factors or beliefs that are commonly held by candidates include:
- KFP and AKT/MCQ have relatively high failure rates
- The apparent ‘randomness’ of responses and the feeling that you have to ‘read the examiner’s mind’ are common beliefs and concerns of candidates
The facts
- In the 2024.2 exam cycle, the pass rate for the Key Feature Problem (KFP) exam was 67.8%. Conversely, this means that the failure rate was approximately 32.2%.
- In the 2024.2 exam cycle, the pass rate for the Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) exam was 82.1%. Conversely, this means that the failure rate was approximately 18%.
- RACGP data shows that the pass rate in RACGP exams reduces with each subsequent attempt, with the pass rate for 4 or more attempts sitting at around 19% for the KFP and 24% for the AKT exam. Being as ready as possible to sit the exam for the first time is therefore of utmost importance. The pass rate in the RACGP Fellowship written exams among International Medical Graduates (IMG) outside of registrar training programs is only 37% — nearly half that of GP registrars (Aus doc – 10th September 2019).
- In the ACRRM 2024B exam cycle, the pass rate for the MCQ exam was 91.1% (up from 80.7% in 2023A). Conversely, this means that the failure rate was about 9%.
Even though the statistics might sound daunting, we want you to know that you don’t have to be ‘just a statistic’. We have been able to map out the study techniques and behaviours of successful candidates to help you be on the ‘winning’ side of these statistics.
Here is the ‘reality’ of why candidates fail the RACGP and ACCRM exams:
1. Lack of knowledge or not studying the right content
It’s important to understand what you need to know, as well as knowing what you don’t know. Hence it is important to ‘research’ the exam to understand what type of knowledge or information is needed to be able to pass.
- For RACGP candidates, the RACGP curriculum is a good place to start.
- For ACRRM candidates, see the ACRRM curriculum.
2. Not understanding the exam format or technique
Although the exams you have completed over your career will likely have similarities, they will all have had their own peculiarities or differences. These RACGP and ACRRM exams are no different. To be able to pass, it is very important to understand the intricacies of the particular exam you are sitting and not assume that they will be the same as other exams you have sat. To better understand the requirements of the exams, start with the Examination guide (available from the RACGP or ACRRM website) and the yearly exam reports for feedback on previous exam rounds. For example:
3. Not planning
General practice is a broad clinical ‘area’ compared to other specialties. To be able to cover and revise all the areas you wish, or you have identified as a ‘knowledge gap’, it is important to be able to map out what you want to cover against the amount of time you have before the exam and plan your exam preparation (including all the necessary tasks this may include, such as revision or practice exams). Without a study plan, it is less likely you will have completed the necessary exam preparation to pass.
Further, to better understand your knowledge gaps, take an inventory of your confidence (low – medium – high) against areas in your relevant College curriculum. Those that you list as low confidence areas would be a good place to start your study plan.
4. Using less effective study techniques
Not all study techniques are equally effective! Some techniques have been shown to be more consistently effective with memory retention and recall than other techniques, such as practice testing (Dunlosky, Rawson, Marsh et al., 2013). Reading and highlighting text (especially without combining with other techniques) are the least effective. Hence it is important to use effective techniques that enable effective memory consolidation and recall. For more information about study techniques, see the TEDTalk by Douglas Barton, from Elevate Education What do top students do differently? or Dunlosky, Rawson, Marsh et al., (2013) literature review.
Why does GPEx offer Performance Coaching?
There is a lot more than just good medical knowledge needed to pass GP fellowship exams. Dr Sonya Vandergoot and her team of Performance Coaches can support doctors to address the challenges they face in preparing for their fellowship exams and how they can do things differently or more effectively. This may include addressing areas such as motivation, self-confidence, procrastination, work/life/study balance and exam anxiety.
5. Fear of failure
Procrastination is a common outcome of a fear of failure. Procrastination can sabotage your best intentions to study and prepare. But you cannot pass if you allow it to take over. One way to manage procrastination is to acknowledge that you are doing this (people often deny and justify their avoidant behaviours) and utilise strategies to manage it, such as the Pomodoro technique for time-management.
6. Feeling overwhelmed
Procrastination is also a common outcome when feeling overwhelmed. If feeling swamped, break large tasks into smaller manageable ones (e.g., divide the task into daily or weekly tasks and to-do lists). Narrow your focus, like a spotlight, so you only consider small ‘chunks’ rather than the large all-encompassing tasks ahead. Focusing on the daily tasks assists with managing these feelings so you’re less likely to procrastinate.
7. Lack of accountability
Not doing the hard work – not always, but occasionally, candidates don’t actually do the hard work they plan or say they do; then they blame the exam or others for their failure. This lack of accountability can sabotage their future efforts to pass the exam. It is important after failing an exam to reflect on what went wrong, and what can be done better or differently. Honest reflection can only take place with accountability for previous actions or attitudes to ensure accurate ‘stock-taking’ of the situation, to enable better exam preparation for future exams.
References and resources
- Dunlosky, J., Rawson, K. A., Marsh, E. J., Nathan, M. J., & Willingham, D. T. (2013). Improving students’ learning with effective learning techniques: Promising directions from cognitive and educational psychology. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 14(1), 4-58.