Happy New Year | Welcome to 2022….

Welcome to the first January 2022 edition of the GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter.
We hope that you are staying safe and well during this latest wave of COVID. The year may not have started the way we all may have wanted or planned, but we remain hopeful and we are continuing to plan our CPD activities for you to look forward to!
Have you visited our website. There is plenty there to keep you occupied! You can download relevant information and resources, watch a previous presentation, access previous seminar presentations, listen to a podcast or two and register for an event.
This newsletter aims to keep you updated on the latest news, changes, updates, special announcements and more.
What you can expect from us in 2022!
- New and updated CPD activities and seminars
- More online activities
- Greater diversity in subject matter
- Regular newsletters covering the latest updates, news and more to keep you connected
Stay tuned as we announce our education activities for 2022.
See below for recent information related to the management of COVID-19
South Australian Emergency Management (Healthcare Setting Workers Vaccination No 5) (COVID-19) Direction 2022
The South Australian State Government has released the latest Emergency Management (Healthcare Setting Workers Vaccination No 5) (COVID-19) Direction 2022 that will take effect from midnight on Saturday 29 January 2022.
This Direction advises people who work in a South Australian health care settings need to have a COVID-19 booster shot (or evidence of a booking to receive one) within 4 weeks of becoming eligible.
All persons engaging in work or duties at a health care setting including clinicians, allied health professionals, administrative and executive staff, students undertaking placement and cleaners, regardless of whether they work in a patient or a non-patient area, are required to follow this advice.
Management of COVID-19 in Pregnancy in South Australia
Managing COVID-19 at Home: Resources for Patients and Healthcare Professionals
Pregnant Women – COVID-19 Maternity Care at Flinders Medical Centre
COVID-19 Health Information
News From The Lyell McEwin and Modbury Hospitals
Process for Booking GP Obstetric Shared Care at NALHN
Woman telephones for her Booking Appointment:
- She will receive the link to mobile phone – POPN (Pregnancy online platform NALHN)
- Access the link up to “will you be seeing your GP for your Pregnancy Care” GP OSC Model of Care explained in the link
- If answers yes – do not go any further into the link. The woman will be sent an appointment date with the GP Obstetric Shared Care Midwife. This appointment will occur at approximately 12-14 weeks gestation and the appointment will be for approximately 1.5 hours
- GP Obstetric Shared Care Midwife will complete the 1st triage/booking as normal
Pregnant Women – COVID-19 Maternity Care at
Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Pregnant Women – COVID-19 Maternity Care at
Flinders Medical Centre
For information, please see:
- FMC COVID-19 Maternity Care fact sheet (PDF 357KB)
- Birthing while COVID-19 positive fact sheet (PDF 264KB)
- Pregnant women at FMC fact sheet (PDF 117KB)
Important Information re Nifedipine Use in Pregnancy
You may be aware Nifedipine 10mg immediate release tablets have been discontinued from the Australian market and it is very unlikely another manufacturer will seek registration within Australia.
Mindfulness Training for Perinatal professionals
Starting February 2022!
Applications Closing Soon!
The Mindful Birthing and Parenting Foundation is offering a live-online Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) Teacher Training for the Australian and Asia-Pacific (APAC) region running from February – November 2022. Applications closing 21st January 2022. This intensive 10-month MBCP Teacher Training will be taught online with live facilitation.