Latest Winter Warming Updates!

Are you looking for a mid-week, mid-winter lift? Well – look no further and read on, because we will make your day feel like Spring has blossomed in your inbox!
We are acutely aware that the current healthcare landscape is presenting many challenges, leaving many of you feeling somewhat drained and isolated. We deeply understand these sentiments because we share in them. We are looking for fresh opportunities and new ways to re-engage our heads and hearts in our health system and you. Our collective desire is to support you to guide your patients, their families, your teams, and our healthcare institutions with unwavering courage and genuine sincerity in the Obstetric Shared Care space.
We are very close to finalising the GP Obstetric Shared Care Policy and PPG and will be sending this to you as soon as possible.
We are busy planning our Clinical Refresher, ‘Advancing Perinatal Care Through Shared Care’ which will be held on Saturday 16th September at Sunnybrae Estate Function Centre. Registrations are now open, and we encourage you to register now. Get ready to be captivated! We’ve assembled a phenomenal lineup of subject matter experts, who are poised to provide you with their insights and knowledge. Prepare to walk away not only inspired but armed with a toolkit of expertise that will leave a lasting impact on your practice and beyond.
Mark your calendars and save the date! Our final Accreditation Seminar of 2023 is just around the corner, scheduled for November. Stay tuned for exciting updates on both the event details and the venue. Get ready to secure your spot, as registrations are set to open in September.
Get ready for some exciting audio content, as we’re in the process of recording a brand-new podcast episode that will soon be making its way to our website for you to enjoy.
As always, we hope you enjoy reading this newsletter. My team is excited to uncover the upcoming highlights as we move towards the end of 2023. As usual, our newsletters aim to keep you informed about the most recent developments, noteworthy updates, special announcements, and engaging discussions pertaining to all things obstetric!
From my team, our Board of Directors and myself, keep happy and healthy!
With warmest wishes,
2023 Safer Baby Bundle Virtual Forum
Dr Brian Pridmore Perinatal Forum
Mitotic Melody and Malady:
An interactive forum regarding the challenges of cancer in pregnancy
The Maternal and Perinatal Mortality Committee is pleased to announce that the 2022 Dr Brian Pridmore Perinatal Forum titled ‘Mitotic Melody and Malady: An interactive forum regarding the challenges of cancer in pregnancy’ is now available for viewing online.
- Cultural Kaleidoscope Perinatal aspects of caring for a culturally diverse community
- 27 September 2023
- From 7.00pm – 9.00pm Light refreshments from 6.30pm
- Queen Victoria Lecture Theatre Women’s and Children Hospital, Level 1 72 King William Rd, North Adelaide SA
- Register via
SA Pregnancy Handheld Record
Version 15 of the Pregnancy Handheld Record is now available.
Other versions are now not to be used.
The SA Pregnancy Handheld Record underwent significant review this year and this will have implications for practice.
Please find attached a summary to assist with communication of these changes.
The SAPR will be available to order via usual processes.
The SAPR will be available to order via usual processes.
The SAPR will be available to order via usual processes. CLICK HERE
OMEGA-3 Test & Treat Pilot Program
We Need Your Help!
You Can Participate!
If you are in Practice in NALHN, you are invited to participate in the evaluation of some new approaches to support the uptake of the omega-3 test-and-treat program.
The researchers have partnered with GPEx and GP Partners Australia to try and address these barriers, which will include the availability of a SAMSAS digital template for inclusion in practice software, support materials and education about the omega-3 test-and-treat program, as well as the making available omega-3 supplement samples for women who test low in omega-3 fatty acids and are disadvantaged.
We are working with GPEx and SAHMRI, and we request your participation in feedback sessions regarding the utility and acceptance of the omega-3 test-and-treat program. The feedback you provide will be kept confidential. You or your practice will not be identified.