GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter – May 2024

Your GP Obstetric Shared Care Team are big believers in the power of staying in the loop! Your ongoing dedication and active participation in the program play a pivotal role in making it a success!
We’re excited to present the newest CPD Activities within our Obstetric Shared Care Program, ensuring you stay informed and engaged with timely updates.
Happy Friday! I hope you’re looking forward to a well-deserved weekend of relaxation. Before you sign off for the day, I wanted to reconnect and share the latest edition of our Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter.
As the temperatures begin to drop, our Obstetric Shared Care newsletter is heating up with essential updates!
It’s crucial for our expectant mothers to adapt to cooler conditions and prioritise their comfort as the mercury falls.
Our first Accreditation Seminar was a resounding success, with an impressive turnout of 107 GPs. We were privileged to host exceptional presenters, and the room buzzed with interactivity and knowledge sharing! You can now access the presentations from this seminar on our website: CLICK HERE. A heartfelt thank you to our presenters for their invaluable insights and support of the Obstetric Shared Care Program. If you have any suggestions for future topics, please don’t hesitate to email me, and we’ll do our best to incorporate them into upcoming programs.
We were delighted to host a booth at the Pregnancy, Babies, and Children’s Expo in April in Adelaide to showcase our Program. We were overwhelmed by the flood of positive comments and engaging conversations with women and families about the Obstetric Shared Care Program. It’s truly a testament to the effectiveness of this model of care!
We’re thrilled to announce our upcoming CPD activities, designed to enrich your professional journey in Obstetric Shared Care! Our Fertility Autumn Workshop Series kicked off this month, with three sessions remaining. It’s not too late to join us for a comprehensive exploration of reproductive health topics, including Egg Freezing, IVF, Male Infertility, PCOS, Endometriosis, and more. And mark your calendars for our second Accreditation Seminar of 2024, scheduled for June 22nd at the Sanctuary, Adelaide Zoo. These events offer invaluable insights, relevant presentations, and networking opportunities. Registrations are open for the Fertility Autumn Series, so secure your spot today. Registration for the next Accreditation Seminar will open in mid-May.
You may have noticed some recent changes in the navigation of our website. We’re excited to inform you that we’re in the process of merging the GP Partners Australia website with GPEx. We trust that you’ll find navigating the updated site smooth and seamless. However, should you encounter any difficulties, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is committed to resolving any issues promptly to ensure your browsing experience remains hassle-free.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this transition.
Looking ahead, 2024 holds even more exciting opportunities, from seminars and Project ECHO sessions to workshops, webinars, and collaborative projects. Keep an eye on our newsletters for details on how you can engage and contribute.As usual, our newsletters aim to keep you informed about the most recent developments, noteworthy updates, special announcements, and engaging discussions pertaining to all things obstetric!
From my team and myself, keep happy and healthy!
With warmest wishes,
Important Update: South Australian Perinatal Practice Guidelines
The following perinatal practice guideline has been updated and uploaded to the SA Health Website ( and Web-Based App (
- Postpartum Haemorrhage
Refer to the attached summary that details main practice changes, any budget and/or risk implications.
The Safer Baby Bundle
The Safer Baby Bundle is a national initiative with five evidence-based elements to address key areas where improved practice can reduce the number of stillborn babies.
Message from the Women’s & Children’s Hospital midwife coordinators
We would like to emphasise the following:
- Kindly utilise the WCH website for online Triage referrals, ensuring they are clearly marked as ‘SHARED CARE.’ This is particularly important as several practitioners now handle these referrals and may not check GP/Medicare status.
- For updates in clinical care, such as requests for Iron Infusion or Diabetes Education, please contact the GPSC Office at 8161 7493 or fax your requests directly to 8161 8189.
- For urgent clinical advice, please contact our switchboard, (08) 8161 7000 and ask for the 3rd on-call Registrar
Intrauterine Device Insertion Training
We have been inundated recently with requests for assistance regarding Intrauterine Device (IUD) Insertion Training, reflecting a growing interest in enhancing skills in this important area of women’s health care.
We’re excited to announce that Dr. Alison Clarke is offering specialised Intrauterine Device (IUD) Insertion Training, responding to the surge in requests for assistance.
Discover more about the training opportunities available to you now and empower yourself to deliver exceptional care in women’s health.
OPAL-3 Study
We need your help!
You can help recruit for this study.
The success of the OPAL-3 Study is undeniably connected to the engagement and commitment of GPs referring their pregnant patients to the study team. Since launching in November 2023, the OPAL-3 study team have received almost 50 referrals, with 16 pregnant women going on to enrol. A very big thank you to everyone who has started referring their patients.
About OPAL-3 Study:
The OPAL-3 Study will help us determine the best dose of omega-3 supplements to give pregnant women, who have a moderately low level of omega-3 to reduce prematurity rates.
Eligibility is open to any woman less than 21 weeks pregnant with a singleton pregnancy.
Twilight Seminar Series: Fetal Neurology
There are few things more challenging in Fetal Medicine than the antenatal diagnosis of a fetal brain abnormality: stepping families through the minefield of diagnosis, work-up and- most importantly- the crystal ball gazing regarding prognosis and expected long term outcomes.
This is what is covered in this recording:
- Diagnosing Fetal Brain Abnormalities
Looking at the collective expertise of fetal neurosonography (with experts Dr Kate StoneandDr Michael Bethune) and MRI (Dr Lucy Hennington). They bring a wealth of experience of the normal and abnormal appearance of the fetal brain- what you should see, what you might see, what you mustn’t miss. This is a perfect start to anchor this session.
- Fetal Brain Abnormalities: What do we tell the parents?
There is a very special international guest joining – to specifically answer this most important question. Professor Tally Lerman-Sagie is Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Neurology at the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University and Chief of Paediatric Neurology at Wolfson Medical Center, Israel. She founded and is the head of the Metabolic-Neuro-Genetic service and is the neurologic co-director of the fetal neurology clinic, a multidisciplinary clinic that diagnoses and counsels pregnant women with fetal brain anomalies. Her main research is in (i) the diagnosis of brain anomalies in utero and postnatal implications and (ii) the genetic basis of rare neurogenetic syndromes. She is an international expert in her field.
After viewing this recording, please inform me so that I can promptly upload your CPD hours in the Program.
Reproductive carrier screening information
Link to the NSW brochure for families:
A list of providers is available here:
Link to another article reviewing expanded carrier screening and wide discrepancy between providers (i.e. only 15 conditions consistent across all reviewed)
Please note: RCS is different to screening tests undertaken during pregnancy, such as non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), which assess the chances of a baby having Down syndrome or other chromosome conditions.
Medicare-funded reproductive genetic carrier screening in Australia has arrived: are we ready?
Don’t miss out!
Accreditation seminar #2
22 June 2024
The Santuary,
Adelaide Zoo

These are RACGP-approved CPD activities under the RACGP CPD Program
The GP Obstetric Shared Care Program has a key role in advocacy, policy and promoting high quality, safe and innovative practice.
There is no more effective environment for learning than the in-person exchange of information and there will be ample opportunity to ask questions.
Free Parking and Meals Provided
Tickets are now open for ARU2024!
Roll up, roll up; the Greatest Show of 2024 is coming to town – Tickets are now OPEN for Mercy Perinatal Australian Reproduction Update (ARU).
Do not wait, do not delay – get in now to lock in your place to hear all about the latest and greatest reproductive advances of 2024. The theme for 2024 is The Greatest Show; Perseverance, Innovation and Equality in Reproduction.
Australian Reproduction Update 2024
Woodward Conference Centre
The University of Melbourne
Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th August 2024
Please be advised that the SA Pregnancy Record has undertaken the yearly review and Version 16 is now to be used