Updated Advice for the Care ofPregnant Women

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs,
With several States plunged into lockdown, it’s back to working from home and Teams meetings for us here at GP Partners and increasing telehealth consultations for many of our GPs. But hang in there!
Please take care of yourselves and each other through this current period of lockdown and we’ll hopefully see you very soon.
We hope that our GP OSC Accreditation Seminar wll go ahead on the 14th of August at Ayres House, and we will endevour to follow current Government advice on meetings and gatherings. We will keep you informed should cancellations occur.
A further bitter cold snap has sent temperatures plummeting across South Australia however, GP Partners and the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program has got you covered. To cheer up lockdown, and the cold winter nights of late, snuggle down with a cup of tea, coffee or a glass of wine on the couch and read the following updates.
Stay up to date with the latest information by clicking on the links below.
COVID-19 Vaccination for Pregnant Women
Pregnant women are now eligible for the Pfizer Vaccine
RANZCOG has just announced on 23 July 2021, that it welcomes the announcement from the Australian Government that pregnant women are now eligible for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
Pregnant women are encouraged to discuss the decision in relation to timing of vaccination with their GPs and health professionals.
Furthermore, women who are trying to conceive do not need to delay vaccination or avoid becoming pregnant after their vaccination.
Links below for further information and resources:
RANZCOG – Pregnant woment are now eligible for the Pfizer Vaccine – CLICK HERE
Joint Statement between RANZCOG and ATAGI about COVID-19 vaccination for Pregnant Women – CLICK HERE
Small study indicates no sign of COVID-19 vaccine in breast milk
Messenger RNA vaccines against COVID-19 were not detected in human milk, according to a small study by UC San Francisco, providing early evidence that the vaccine mRNA is not transferred to the infant.
Aspirin in Pregnancy
Aspirin is now being prescribed for an increasing number of indications – preterm birth, fetal growth restriction as well as hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
This update is presented by Mercy Perinatal. 4 GPPA/OSC points can be claimed for watching. Hoping you find the videos informative.
Aspirin in Pregnancy
Dr Daniel Rolnik – Aspirin for the Prevention of Preeclampsia
Prof Ben Mol – Aspirin for the Prevention of Preterm Birth
Dr Roxanne Hastie – Aspirin for the Prevention of Fetal Growth Restriction
Password for all videos – Twilight
Links to PDFs of slides can also be found here.
Pregnancy warning over vegan diets
Plant based trend has GPs concerned. CLICK HERE
The Whole Nine Months
Discovering how to safely lower the rate of preterm birth and then evaluating the impact of that effectiveness needs to be one of our highest priorities in contemporary healthcare.
Being born too early is the single greatest cause of death in young children in Australia and all similar societies. It is also one of the major causes of disability, both in childhood and adulthood.
Such information is not new to those of us who work in this field. But there is an amazing lack of awareness of the importance of preterm birth in the community as a whole. It is most likely this lack of awareness stems from our longheld views that life begins at birth and the gestational age at birth is something that is pre-determined and cannot be changed.
CLICK HERE to read more from the current Whole Nine Months Magazine.
Congenital Syphilis Case Review
A report on outcomes with recommendations for prevention and management of future cases.
Please CLICK HERE for Term 3 Planners for Parafield Gardens and CLICK HERE for Keithcott Farm, the community sites that the GP Obstetric Shared Care Midwife attends/undertakes booking visits. There are some great resources/groups for new parents to attend.
The Term 2 Planner was included in an earlier newsletter this year, here are the updated Term 3 Planners.
There is now a GP Obstetric Shared Care evening clinic available at Keithcot Farm Children’s Centre, time 1700hrs.
This will give the option for working parents to attend their booking visit at a convenient time, reducing the need to take time off work.
Can you help us find out the ideal amount of iodine needed in pregnancy for baby’s brain development?
Please complete this form indicating whether you are interested in inviting your pregnant women who are less than 13 weeks into their pregnancy to take part in this research.
Seasonal Influenza Vaccination 2021
Influenza vaccination for pregnant women:
- Influenza vaccine is recommended in every pregnancy and at any stage of pregnancy.
- Influenza vaccine can safely be given at the same time as pertussis vaccine.
- Pregnant women who received an influenza vaccine in 2020 should receive a 2021 influenza vaccine if it becomes available before the end of pregnancy.
- Women who receive influenza vaccine before becoming pregnant should be revaccinated during pregnancy to protect the unborn infant.
Fact Sheet: CLICK HERE
GP Partners Australia is committed to building upon its strong foundations and achievements, strengthening its valued partnerships and future-proofing its services to the community, including providing strong advocacy, training, education and support for GPs and women participating in the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program, for years to come.
Thank you for continuing to support the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program.
Don’t forget to visit our GPEx website for further updates and resources www.gpex.com.au
We trust this – and future updates – will be of help to you during these crazy times.
Stay safe.
If you have any questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to contact the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program Manager – Leanne at Leanne.March@gpex.com.au