National Home Doctor Exam Support
13SICK National Home Doctor (NHD) have partnered with GPEx to provide their doctors with subsidised GP fellowship exam support.
The exam support provides active NHD doctors with 25%-30% off selected exam preparation programs.
Pass fellowship exams with the best, high-quality exam preparation programs prepared by experienced medical educators and exam experts.
Exclusive discount offer: Enter your promotional code at checkout to receive your discounted purchase price. To receive your discount code email NSW.engagement@homedoctor.com.au or call your local NHD Engagement Manager.
Comprehensive RACGP AKT and KFP exam preparation package (18 months access)
Comprehensive exam preparation package for RACGP CCE
Individual performance coaching (1 session)
AKT + KFP Ultimate Bundle
- 4 x timed mock AKT exams
- Customisable AKT Quiz Builder
- Mock AKT Exam Performance and Peer Comparison Dashboards
- 340+ KFP Questions
- KFP mock exams marked by a Medical Educator
- Live KFP Exam Preparation Webinars
- 10 week KFP Coach program including 40 KFP cases and individualised feedback from our experienced medical educators
- Two individual Performance Coaching Sessions
Dr CCE Premium
- 2.5 hour small group mock exam with 4 cases
- One-on-one session with a medical educator to work through 2 additional cases
- Online exam preparation readings, references and videos
- Online practice cases
- Knowledge self-assessment
- Webinar series
Performance Coach
Through a tailored, individual approach, your Performance Coach will discuss the challenges you are currently facing, and the strategies you can adopt for more effective and helpful behaviours that enable exam success. Sessions typically run for up to 60 minutes.