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NIPT Mackenzie’s Mission

Updated Advice for the Care of Pregnant Women Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, Welcome back to another GP Obstetric Shared Care update. March celebrates International Women’s Day and the message for 2021 proclaims that ‘a challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change’. We can all choose to challenge! Celebrate women’s achievements. Raise […]

Who is walking in your door?

GPEx has recently hosted Trisha Rogers, a Masters of Public Health student from the University of Adelaide, to complete her research placement. Trisha has worked with the Research and Innovation team at GPEx to analyse de-identified GP Explore data and identify trends. So, what does it tell us? This shows similar patterns to other published […]

International Women’s Day

GPEx is proud to have a number of female GP Registrars in its training program, and today celebrates the role these female GPs and Registrars have in their local communities, especially in regional and rural South Australia. GPEx also has a number of female Medical Educators, who educate and support the next generation of GPs. […]

COVID vaccination for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women Webinar

Updated Advice for the Care of Pregnant Women Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, Welcome back to another GP Obstetric Shared Care update. The COVID-19 vaccine rollout has begun and I suspect that we are all a little awestruck at the rapid pace of scientific discovery and the incredible community engagement that has bought us to […]