
Categories: AllADHDCase StudiesClinical TrialsCOVID-19General NewsGP Exam PreparationGP Matters NewsletterGP PartnersNBCSPObstetricsProject ECHOPsych SceneShared CareWorkforce Planning

Launch of the GP ADHD Shared Care Program

GPEx has recently introduced the GP ADHD Shared Care Program to aid adolescents with ADHD during their transition from paediatric services to adult healthcare. This initiative extends the framework previously established by the Women’s & Children’s Hospital to encompass the services provided by the Northern and Southern Adelaide Health Networks. Designed with the successful GP […]

Launch of the GP ADHD Shared Care Program

VCS Pathology Audit Launched with ACPCC

GPEx, in collaboration with VCS Pathology, a division of the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer (ACPCC), has developed an innovative and fully online Cervical Screening Audit for general practitioners. The audit affords GPs access to a comparative analysis of their screening results, with the aim of driving meaningful progress in their practices. […]

VCS Pathology Audit Launched with ACPCC

Is life leaving you feeling disorganised and overwhelmed?

Life can get pretty hectic, particularly when you’re a healthcare professional. It’s easy to try to fit more and more into your busy schedule to the point of bursting; especially when you work and have children, elderly parents, family or community all needing your input or attention. Life can become ultra busy to the point […]

Disorganised Blog Feature Image Updated

GPEx delivers mental health education to SOLD OUT audience

Last month GPEx delivered mental health education in Brisbane in partnership with Psych Scene to a sold-out audience of 60 GPs. The full-day GP Mental Health Skills Training (GP MHST) Masterclass was delivered by leading psychiatry trainer and Psych Scene founder Dr Sanil Rege, with guest psychiatrist Dr Jon-Paul Koo, Director of the Toowong Specialist […]

GPEx delivers mental health education to SOLD OUT audience

GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter – March 2024

Your GP Obstetric Shared Care Team are big believers in the power of staying in the loop! Your ongoing dedication and active participation in the program play a pivotal role in making it a success! We’re excited to present the newest CPD Activities within our Obstetric Shared Care Program, ensuring you stay informed and engaged […]

Is preparation for Fellowship exams leaving you feeling disorganised?

Fellowship exams are notoriously difficult and there are many reasons why candidates struggle to pass them.  For some, it may be a lack of exam preparation or failing to understand the particulars of the exam they are preparing for or often, having too many priorities so doing none well. However, for others, there may be […]

Exam Prep Is preparation for Fellowship exams leaving you feeling disorganised Blog

10 women who’ve transformed healthcare in Australia

As the world marks International Women’s Day, it’s an opportune time to reflect on the legacies of women who’ve significantly impacted the field of healthcare. Here, we delve into the lives and accomplishments of pioneering Australian women whose contributions have revolutionised healthcare, transcending borders and generations. 1. Dr Emma Constance Stone – First woman registered […]

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Common phrases and terms in the CCE explained

What is often not realised by many candidates sitting GP exams, is that there are common phrases and terms used in Fellowship exams that have specific meanings, often called command or clue words.   Command or clue words (also known as instruction or directive words) tell you how to answer a specific exam question or […]

Blog image - Common phrases and terms in the KFP and CCE