
Failure Rate of Doctors Sitting the GP Fellowship Exams and How to Beat the Statistics

You don’t have to be ‘just a statistic’ Everyone wants to succeed. No one starts something with the goal of failing, but sometimes it happens. At times it can be hard to understand why we failed when we feel we’ve done what was needed to pass. This is especially true if we have never failed […]

Dealing with GP Fellowship post-exam blues

You’ve done it! You’ve spent months preparing for your GP Fellowship exams and it’s finally over. Now what? You’re likely feeling relieved that the prolonged KFP, MCQ/AKT or CCE study period has finished and hopefully quietly confident that you’ve passed so you can tick this achievement off your to-do list. You’re looking forward to moving on to other bigger and […]

Is it worth sitting AKT/MCQ and KFP mock exams? All you need to know

The importance of AKT/MCQ and KFP practice exams with feedback for effective exam preparation Exams can be stressful at the best of times, the RACGP or ACRRM written exams, like the AKT, KFP or MCQ, are no different. You may know people who have failed, you will be aware of the published pass rates, you […]

Pass your MCQ, AKT, KFP or CCE – Optimise your GP Exam Preparation with this checklist

A particular pattern of behaviours tends to represent successful MCQ, AKT and KFP exam preparation The more of these behaviours that you do and can ‘tick’ on this list, the more likely you are following an optimal GP exam preparation pattern to enable exam success. Though these behaviours don’t guarantee that you will pass your […]

GPs – The Quick Guide on How to Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health

Working as a GP can be draining and exhausting, yet very rewarding, work. You know that you’re supposed to be looking after yourself to enable you to do your job well. You want to approach your life and work with energy, empathy, and care but sometimes it feels like you are scraping the bottom of […]

Why you need a Performance Coach when preparing for your KFP, AKT/MCQ, CCE Fellowship Exams

Dr Sonya Vandergoot, GPEx’s Performance Coach explains why speaking to GPs about the challenges they face in preparing for their fellowship exams can help them do things differently or more effectively in order to achieve exam success. Becoming a GP can be both a very challenging and rewarding experience. The road to success can be […]

Authoritative Information for our Obstetric Shared Care GPs.

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, We hope that wherever you may be, you are safe and well during these crazy COVID days. Whether it feels like it or not, with each day that passes we are redefining our ‘new normal’. Has our trust in society changed? Has our sense of responsibility to each other altered? […]

Top 5 causes of failure in MCQ, AKT and KFP Fellowship examinations

You’ve failed one or more of your GP fellowship exams, and maybe not for the first time. A sense of shock, confusion, and dread may be just some of the emotions you are feeling right now as you start to prepare to sit the exams – again! How did you get here? What can you […]

The Whole Nine Months Magazine

Welcome to The Whole Nine Months 2020 This year is proving to be like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our world, along with how we are living our lives and how GPs practice medicine. The evidence available to us at this time is that COVID-19 infection does not seem to cause preterm labour. […]

Pregnancy and Mental Health

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, 2020 has brought many unexpected challenges to our nation with fires, floods and now, the COVID-19 pandemic, that is impacting on us all in so many ways. As a profession we have to be proud as we have continued to provide the best possible care to mothers and babies. So […]