“This illness has completely diminished my quality of life. When I got here, they told me ‘you don’t have to hurt. We are here to help.’”  Helen Snow (At end of life)

Palliative care aims to prevent and relieve suffering and improve the quality of life of people (adults, children and their families) facing problems associated with life-limiting illness and at end-of-life. Palliative care can be delivered by a wide range of health and community providers, is not limited to any specific condition, can be delivered at any stage of illness, and can accompany curative treatments. With an ageing and growing population, it is projected that the demand for palliative care and end-of-life care will rise substantially.

By understanding and having access to accurate, up-to-date palliative care information, resources, tools, and contacts, GPs can provide better care to their palliative patients, leading to improved quality of care, increased patient and family satisfaction, better communication, improved coordination of care, and reduced healthcare costs.

Presentation Slides

Russell Shute



Culturally Appropriate Resources in Palliative Care


The new 1300 MEDICINE service replacing the NPS medicinewise helpline has commenced operation.

Phone: 1300 633 424 or for more information go to www.1300medicine.com.au.