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Great Year 2021

Updated Advice for the Care of Pregnant Women Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, GP Partners and the GP Obstetric Shared Care Team are excited to welcome 2021 and to start the New Year with sharing resources and information to keep you up-to-date and well informed. We are in the process of finalising the 2021 calendar of […]

Meet Dr Martin Altmann

The Altmann family name is synonymous with healthcare in Murray Bridge. Dr Martin Altmann and Dr Fiona Altmann, and before them Martin’s father the late Dr Frank Altmann, have provided GP services to the region over 60 years. Martin took inspiration from his father in choosing his career as a rural generalist. “As a young doctor […]

A change in career, taking general practice to the next level

Dr Donna Weckert wasn’t always a doctor, but once she decided to study medicine, it was all in or not at all. When I started my medical studies,  General Practice was always a strong contender due the scope of practice it provided and so I figured that if I was going to do this, then […]