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Meet Dr Laura Sharley

Dr Laura Sharley knew she wanted to be a GP because she liked building relationships with patients, and following them through everyday hurdles and challenges.   Laura is currently undertaking an Aboriginal Health post based atNunkuwarrin Yunti in Adelaide. As part of this role, Laura does roving registrar work, where she flies out to different community clinics around South Australia.   “The roving registrar job has […]

Spring 2021

Welcome, To the first Spring edition of GP Partners Australia’s enews. After all that 2020 and 2021 brought, we have found staying connected to one another has been so important. What is also important is to check in with yourself, to acknowledge how you are feeling and to reach out if you need. Indeed, it has been unprecedented […]

When can teenagers make their own treatment decisions?

When can teenagers make their own treatment decisions? When practising cases for the Clinical Competency Exam (CCE), candidates are often required to reflect on what they would do in various clinical scenarios.  Many find scenarios involving medico-legal issues to be the most difficult. Recently, our Medical Educators were asked the question: “What should I do […]

A Welcome Lunch can prevent a Farewell Drink! What makes a high-quality general practice learning environment?

Senior Medical Educator, Dr Penny Need, reflects on the latest GPEx research webinar: The quality of the learning environment for registrars has important consequences for the current and future care they provide as GPs. But what makes a high-quality learning environment? Dr Paul Dilena, Director of Medical Education and Training at GPEx, recently held an […]

Over the Counter Codeine Changes

In response to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) ruling that Codeine would no longer be available over the counter Country SA PHN collaborated with GPEx to deliver an update to health professionals in Whyalla. Facilitated by Dr Chris Holmwood, Director Clinical Consultation Liaison and Standards at the Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA), this […]

Updated Advice for the Care of Pregnant Women

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, CONNECTING YOU WITH THE NEWS YOU NEED FORGP OBSTETRIC SHARED CARE Welcome to the first Spring edition of the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program’s enews. After all that 2020 and 2021 brought, we have found staying connected to one another has been so important. What is also important is to check […]

Meet Dr Natasha Nottingham

I chose the General Pathway with the RACGP, because it provided me with flexibility and convenience. I was able to work close to home, and even ride my bike to work when I first started. I am also able to see a broad range of patients, which challenges me on a daily basis. The holistic […]