8 signs you need help with your KFP, AKT and MCQ exam preparation
If you are preparing to sit your GP Fellowship exams with RACGP or ACRRM, you have no doubt heard about the different exam preparation programs which are available. With the exam fees already so expensive, are these exam preparation resources really worth it? Some candidates may opt to collate their own study resources by searching […]

GPEx to lead new program in fight against SA’s GP shortage
ADELAIDE, 15 SEPTEMBER 2022 – GPEx will begin rolling out a new Australian Government program that aims to tackle the critical shortage of GPs in South Australia. The Workforce Planning and Prioritisation (WPP) service is a new national program aimed at identifying where GP trainee positions are most needed in metropolitan, regional and rural communities. […]

How to choose the best AKT/MCQ exam preparation course: 4 things to consider
Exam season is fast approaching, and many candidates are starting to think about putting themselves in the best possible position for passing the RACGP’s Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) or ACRRM’s MCQ Exam. With so many different options on the market, you want to make sure that you are choosing the best course for you that […]

5 reasons you should do a mock exam before the real CCE
How many times have you heard people say that the RACGP’s clinical exam is “just like an ordinary day of general practice”? The reality is that this exam is far from an ordinary day in general practice, with rapid fire cases being presented in an artificial and stressful format. You can expect the cases to […]

Sitting the RACGP CCE soon? Here is what you need to know!
Since 2021, the final exam on the pathway to RACGP fellowship is the Clinical Competency Exam (CCE) Like all RACGP Fellowship exams, the CCE aims to assess your competency for unsupervised general practice in Australia. The exam attempts to replicate a consultation or clinical scenario to allow candidates to demonstrate their clinical skills, communication skills […]

Five mistakes to avoid making in the RACGP Clinical Competency Exam (CCE)
After each exam cycle and once results have been released, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) publishes a report outlining exam psychometrics (e.g., mean and standard deviation of the candidate cohort) and feedback to candidates regarding common candidate pitfalls. Reviewing past exam reports is a very important, but often overlooked, part of Clinical […]

AKT/MCQ Exam Tips and Techniques
AKT & MCQ Exam Tips and Techniques If you are currently studying, or preparing to study, for the RACGP or ACRRM Fellowship exams, you will be aware that there are several written exams that you need to complete. For RACGP Fellowship candidates, these are the Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) and the Key Feature Problem (KFP) […]

How are your motivational interviewing skills?
How are your skills in motivational interviewing? Brush up on this important skill for the RACGP CCE. Have you ever had a patient struggle to make lifestyle changes to improve their chronic condition or health in general? GPs must not only apply multiple clinical guidelines to patients with complex, chronic multimorbidity, but also provide information […]

When can teenagers make their own treatment decisions?
When can teenagers make their own treatment decisions? When practising cases for the Clinical Competency Exam (CCE), candidates are often required to reflect on what they would do in various clinical scenarios. Many find scenarios involving medico-legal issues to be the most difficult. Recently, our Medical Educators were asked the question: “What should I do […]

Failure Rate of Doctors Sitting the GP Fellowship Exams and How to Beat the Statistics
You don’t have to be ‘just a statistic’ Everyone wants to succeed. No one starts something with the goal of failing, but sometimes it happens. At times it can be hard to understand why we failed when we feel we’ve done what was needed to pass. This is especially true if we have never failed […]