Welcome to Winter! GP Partners Australia Announces Exciting Merger
Hello! Welcome to the first newsletter of Winter! The colder evenings have arrived and are simply perfect for grabbing a glass of something nice, some chocolate and curling up on the couch to read your Obstetric Shared Care newsletter.We are delighted to share with you the resounding success of our recent two Accreditation Seminars, where we had […]

Introducing the New GP ADHD Shared care Program
‘What is it all about?’ It is brand new and we are excited! The Shared Care model seeks to bring together the knowledge and experience of tertiary specialist clinicians, and general practitioners on the understanding that improving the quality of help requires recognition of multiple perspectives, and that inclusivity is critical. Continued cross collaboration will […]

GP Shared Care Obstetric | ‘Natal Notes #3’ | April 2023
Sharing Important Updates With You! Hello! We hope that you are well and relishing the final bursts of fading sunny autumn weather. As daylight savings ends, the nights lengthen, our skies darken and colder weather maliciously seeps into our busy lives, we trust that you will draw comfort from one lovely thought – that our […]

I’ve just sat my written exams – what do I do now?
You’ve done it – you’ve sat your RACGP written exam(s). Congratulations! Now what? You’re likely feeling relieved that the exams are over and hopefully confident that you’ve passed and that you can tick written exams off your to-do list and move on to thinking about the CCE or other bigger and brighter milestones in your […]

GP Shared Care Obstetric | Important Updates For You #2 | February 2023
Important Updates for You! SA Pregnancy Hand Held Record Version 15 of the Pregnancy Hand Held Record is now available. Other versions are now not to be used. AMENDMENT: Space to Record Rubella Titre Result in SAPR In the recent update of the South Australian Pregnancy Record (SAPR version 15), the space to record the […]

GP Shared care Obstetric | January 2023
Welcome to 2023 Hello! Welcome back and welcome to 2023! Already one month has passed and we are back in the thick of things. We hope that you all enjoyed a refreshing break, and you are now ready to leap into 2023! Well, we read your mind. We are thrilled to release our first newsletter for this year. […]

GP Shared Care Obstetric | December 2022
It’s Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas! Hello! On behalf of the GP Partners Board, myself and my Team, I wish you all the very best for the festive season. I hope that you are able to find some time to reflect on yet another busy year, with all the usual challenges and the continued […]

Manage exam-related anxiety during your fellowship exams with these 5 tips
You are preparing to sit a very important exam for your career. In fact, your whole career depends on you passing this (or these) exams. But when you think about the approaching exam you start to feel rising anxiety, coming up from your feet, like a wave that’s going to engulf you, pulling you down […]

Do you feel like a square peg in a round hole?
Have you started preparing for your Fellowship exams such as the RACGP AKT/KFP/CCE, ACRRM MCQ or another medical specialty? Many people put their lives on hold until they sit these important exams – and though it can be a challenge, it is usually time well spent. All will agree that they only want to have […]

First day of summer and optimism
The first day of Summer can bring a sense of optimism for many. In fact, these feelings of new beginnings that the start of summer brings has been written about by countless authors and poets over the centuries. It’s something about the warm sun and lightness after months of rain, clouds and storms that lifts […]